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relationships matter

It’s good to talk

By Education, fun for children, play, Playing, Relationships
by Marsha Dann
Lead Teacher, Play B C Preschool

Why conversations matter in the early years

Building brains
A child is born already equipped to process language and able to distinguish between different speech sounds. Hearing words helps to build a rich vocabulary in the child’s brain long before they actually start speaking. The brain develops rapidly in the first three years and forms the neural connections that are used for all sorts of functions. During this critical period a child’s brain is flexible and particularly receptive to language input. It is literally shaped by the experiences encountered, reorganising itself as more language is heard, creating and strengthening more neural pathways.

Building relationships
Attachment theory tells us that we are born wired to seek relationships with others. When these relationships and attachments are positive and secure, children feel safe enough to explore the world and interact with others. This paves the way for learning and deepens understanding. Conversations with very young children help them to develop social skills. They learn that adults care about them and that they are valued and respected. Through meaningful discussion, children learn to identify and articulate their feelings and those of others. This fosters emotional intelligence and the development of self-awareness. They learn they have to take turns to speak and have to actively listen to what the other person says. This develops empathy, understanding and respect for others’ opinions.

Building knowledge
Language is used for communication but is also linked to memory, attention, problem solving and self-regulation. Good language skills support cognitive growth in general and literacy skills in particular. Conversations expose children to a wide range of information about family life, occupations, nature, animals and a host of other topics. They help them to learn, explore, and make sense of the world around them. They encourage questions, fuel curiosity and spark a love of learning.

Research suggests educational outcomes are significantly impacted by the quantity and quality of adult-child interactions.

Building vocabulary
A typically developing child will:
• At one, respond to their own name.
• At two, understand between 200 and 500 words.
• At three, use up to 300 words.
• At four, talk in sentences of four to six words.
• At five, have acquired almost all the grammar they will ever need for their first language.

The quality and quantity of children’s vocabulary at age five is a strong predictor of how well they are going to do in the future. Research suggests children with larger vocabularies have better brain connectivity and stronger links between the areas of the brain which process language. They are likely to do better at school and therefore have better life outcomes. This is why conversation is so very important. It is vital for the overall development of very young children in areas of language, cognitive, social, and emotional growth. When you talk to your child you show them how to express thoughts, feelings and ideas. They learn new words, grammar and concepts and begin to reason and make connections between things.

Talk to your child about any and everything because creating an environment that promotes rich language experiences can literally change their lives.

Play B C Preschools offer teacher led provision. We prioritise relationships, sensitive interaction, and fun but challenging learning through developmentally appropriate activities for our wonderfully diverse cohort. More than just a place, at Play B C every day is a learning adventure. Contact to arrange a visit.

education for all

Not all independent schools are inaccessible and elitist

By Education, Finance
by Polly Rutt
Rydes Hill Preparatory School

Sarah Norville has been a Headteacher for 16 years, 11 of which were spent in the state sector whilst the past five years have been in the independent sector. Her experience ranges from working in an inner-city environment to the leafy suburbs of Guildford. Here, she describes what in her view are the fundamental differences between a state and independent education and advises parents on what they should consider when thinking about a school for their child.

How would you describe the current landscape of schooling in Surrey?
Surrey’s good state schools are oversubscribed with a lot of competition to get into them. This often means parents don’t always get their first choice of school. However, in Surrey, there are many great schools offering very different things. This allows parents to locate a school which speaks to the individual needs and character of their child.

Having gained a lot of experience in both the independent and state sectors, how would you describe the differences between them?
I would say that the biggest difference is around the freedom independent schools have when defining the wider curriculum which is often built around the real-life needs of pupils. State schools generally have a greater focus on maths and English as performance in this area is judged by OFSTED. As independent schools have smaller class sizes and a longer school day, they can reach the same maths and English standard within less time, which enables them to offer a wider breadth of subjects with specialist teachers. The offerings of enrichment activities, depend on the school. Independent schools consistently offer an abundance of clubs and extra curriculars often led by their specialist teachers. However, I also know of many state schools that have an amazing after-school offering for their pupils.

Have you noticed any common misconceptions that people may have on either independent or state schools?
Definitely! Many people think that all independent schools are like Harrow and Eaton where the parents are incredibly wealthy and their children live a life of extreme privilege. This is not my experience of the independent sector. Most pupils at my school have two hard working parents who are making sacrifices to prioritise a good education for their child. Of course, those types of schools exist, but not all independent schools are inaccessible and elitist. On the flip side, some independent school parents believe that a state school education is not as high quality. Actually, in terms of academic results, maths and English in particular, their outcomes are just as good which is why so many state school children go on to independent senior schools and top universities.

In your experience, what commonly drives a parent to choose an independent school?
Parents tend to like the smaller class sizes at independent schools which help to ensure that their child doesn’t get lost in a busy classroom environment. Independent school class sizes typically range from 15-20 whereas state school class sizes can go beyond 30. In addition, parents are attracted to the breadth of curriculum offered at independent schools.

What are the main barriers that prevent parents from choosing an independent school and do you see any ways they can be overcome?
Cost is probably the main barrier for a lot of people. However, there are options available that may be helpful. For example, most independent schools have bursary schemes that are specifically for families that without a bursary, wouldn’t have access to the education on offer. Many independent schools offer scholarships, which are based on the merits of a child, such as their academic ability. Their success would secure a percentage off the school fees – which varies across schools. In addition to cost, some parents worry that they won’t ‘fit in’. However, in my experience independent schools can be both socioeconomically and ethnically diverse and shouldn’t be overlooked.

What advice would you give to any parent currently considering a school for their child?
Your child has one chance, one education and quite often one school, it is therefore critical to visit as many schools that are a possibility for your child as you can. You should base your decision on your gut feeling, not what anyone else tells you as what is a great school for one child, may not fit so well for another. My Head of Nursery says that when you go and visit a school it should feel like it’s giving you a hug, and if it doesn’t, it’s not the right school for your child. Ultimately, we are talking about four and five year olds starting their educational journey. It’s important that they settle in quickly, feel safe, valued and confident – these things can’t happen if it doesn’t ‘feel right’.

Rydes Hill is an outstanding independent preparatory school and nursery in Guildford, educating girls from 3-11 and boys from 3-7.

pretend play

How can pretend play help children cope with the challenges of life?

By Education, fun for children, Mental health, Playing, Relationships, Theatre
by Suzy Duxbury
Principal of Dramatis

In today’s increasingly stressful, polarised and tech-dominated world, play is more important than ever. As a society, we’re still assessing the long-term impact of the pandemic – with some research suggesting the global event has undermined children’s confidence, sense-of-self, and their emotional and mental wellbeing.

The power of play, and particularly pretend play, can be harnessed to help children develop the skills they need to cope with the challenges of life.

But what is pretend play, how does it help build these life skills and how can parents ensure their children benefit?

What is pretend play?
Children have always been instinctively drawn towards play but it wasn’t until the 1890s that its wider benefits (beyond a form of entertainment) were officially recognised.

Thanks to the early pioneering work led by educators and child psychologists like Fredrich Frobel, Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, the importance of play in child development is now widely acknowledged. Pretend play in particular, is noted for its ability to improve the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional wellbeing of children.

Pretend play is when children take on roles and act them out as a way of exploring (consciously or subconsciously) different situations and emotions. Classic examples children naturally gravitate towards include playing ‘mummies and daddies’, ‘doctors and nurses’ or ‘monsters and robots’.

As well as being a lot of fun, pretending to be someone, something or somewhere else, also helps children to express themselves, share thoughts and ideas, and better understand their feelings and emotions.

Children can engage in pretend play alone or with parents, but it is most effective in building life skills when done with a group of other children.

What are life skills?
The World Health Organisation defines life skills as being the attributes required to “deal well and effectively with the challenges of life”.

Whilst there is no definitive list, they are broadly recognised as being:
• Problem solving and decision making.
• Creative and critical thinking.
• Communication and interpersonal skills.
• Self-awareness and empathy.
• Coping with emotions and stress.

How does pretend play help children develop life skills?

Problem solving and decision making
At the heart of pretend play there is always a problem to be solved (some lost treasure to be found or a monster to confront!). By creating their own imaginary scenes and characters, children learn to understand different types of problems, consider different solutions to them, and then take action to address them.

Creative and critical thinking
Pretend play forces children to think on their feet and respond creatively to a range of imaginary situations. This improves their ability to think ‘outside the box’, find new solutions and generate new ideas whilst assessing information and understanding its relevance.

Communication and interpersonal
Taking on different roles requires children to share their thoughts and ideas, listen and respond to others, develop their vocabulary, and take on appropriate body language and gestures. This improves their ability to get on and work with other people, as well as effectively communicate messages.

Self-awareness and empathy
Playing out/simulating scenarios that children have limited personal experience with, helps them to better understand their own thoughts and feelings whilst building empathy and understanding for others.

Coping with emotions and stress
Creating and acting out imaginary scenes is a lot of fun and the physical element generates beneficial endorphins. Pretend play can transport children away from their daily stresses but also enables them to play out difficult situations and emotions in a safe environment. Whether they choose to use it for escapism or cathartic release, pretend play can help children to cope with problems and recover from setbacks.

How can parents encourage pretend play at home?
Whilst pretend play is most effective at building life skills when children are engaged in the activity with their peers, parents can use it to help ignite creativity at home.

When pretend playing together, it’s important that parents allow their child to “be the boss” as giving children creative control allows them to express themselves in an uninhibited way and to explore their ideas in a supported environment.

Here are three ways you can encourage your child to use pretend play at home:
1. Give them a scenario
Give them a character, a setting and an end line that they must finish their scene with and see what they come up with.

2. Give them a prop
It can be anything around the house (a bit of coloured material, a colander, or an empty trinket box). Ask them to make up a story about the item – telling them it can be absolutely anything (apart from what it really is!)

3. Make a film
Give them a character and a mystery to solve. Get them to create various scenes (in different locations in the house) and record them on your phone. Then merge the videos together to make a film than you watch together (add popcorn for extra cinematic effect!)

How can parents encourage pretend play outside the home?
Ultimately, to harness the full potential of pretend play, children should work in groups, with their peers.

Whilst children can play with friends at the local park or in the playground, it is during drama classes (under the guidance of a professional and within a structured framework) that they will really reap the full benefits of pretend play.

Working together to develop scenes and characters requires children to share thoughts and ideas whilst listening to and negotiating with others. The skills they develop will help them to become more confident, more resilient, and more empathetic so they can thrive in life.

You can find out more about local drama schools offering extra-curricular classes and workshops in the ABC Magazine Directory.

Suzy Duxbury is Principal of Dramatis, a Sussex based drama school that harnesses the power of pretend play. For more information about their drama classes and holiday workshops, please visit

forest school fun

Learning beyond the classroom walls – why Forest School is essential in education

By Education, environment, Forest School, fun for children, Green
by Stuart Lee
Copthorne Prep School Forest School Leader and Outdoor Activities Instructor

As the world becomes increasingly digital and technology-driven, it’s more important than ever to ensure our children are getting enough time outside in nature. Forest Schools have been gaining popularity around the globe as a way of providing an experience that is both educational and fun for young minds.

In this article, we’ll explore why Forest School is essential in education and how it opens up new avenues for learning beyond traditional classroom walls. So put on your wellies, grab a raincoat, and let’s delve into the wonderful world of Forest Schools!

Introduction to Forest School
When most people think of school, they envision a building with classrooms, a playground, and maybe a field for sports. But what if there was another way to learn? What if students could explore and discover in a natural setting? This is where Forest School comes in.

Forest School is an approach to learning that takes place in nature. It emphasises hands-on, experiential learning in a safe and supportive environment. Forest School can be used with students of all ages, but it is especially beneficial for young children.

The benefits of Forest School are numerous. Studies have shown that time spent in nature can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Being in nature can also improve concentration and focus. And because Forest School encourages hands-on learning, it can help promote problem-solving skills and creativity.

Outdoor learning enables us to instil a sense of responsibility in children for their environment and sustainability, discussing how we look after the natural world around us and discussing aspects like recycling, use of plastics, saving energy, collecting water and so on. The children will explore nature, learning about trees, follow the seasons, understand plant growth, explore minibeasts and find the biggest puddle to jump in (weather dependent of course)!

The six Forest School principles are:
• Sessions are delivered on a long-term basis: Forest School needs to be regular.
• Sessions are risk-aware, not risk-averse: Meaningful activities which nurture the instinctive human ability to learn through overcoming a risk, challenge or problem. Teaching the children how to safely use tools like knives and axes for whittling or chopping wood, and how to light and safely be around campfires.
• Forest School is invested in the holistic development (emotional, spiritual, intellectual, social, physical, communication and language) of the participants.
• Forest School should take place in a natural wooded environment.
• Forest School should be run by a qualified Forest School practitioner.
• Forest School is learner-centred with learner-based outcomes.

Benefits of Forest School for primary school students
Children who spend time in nature have shown to have increased levels of physical activity, social and emotional wellbeing and brain development. Forest Schools provide an immersive environment for children to learn about and connect with the natural world. It offers a unique opportunity for children to learn in an outdoor setting and develop a lifelong love of learning.

Other positive outcomes include:
Improved concentration and focus
Studies have shown that being in nature can help improve focus and concentration. This is especially beneficial for students who struggle with attention deficit disorders or who have difficulty paying attention in a traditional classroom setting.

Lower stress levels
Nature has a way of calming people and helping to lower stress levels. This is important for students who are dealing with anxiety or who find the traditional school setting to be overwhelming. Being in nature can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Increased physical activity
Getting outdoors and being active is important for everyone, but it’s especially crucial for growing children and teens. Physical activity has been shown to improve brain function, mood, and overall health. Being outdoors gives students an opportunity to be active in a way that is fun and engaging.

Improved social skills
Outdoor learning provides opportunities for students to work together in small groups or teams. This can help them develop important social skills such as communication, co-operation, and teamwork. It can also help shy or introverted students feel more comfortable interacting with others.

Therefore, it is evident that by incorporating Forest School into primary education, children could not only improve academically but also holistically – and this is fundamental to education. It is more than classroom learning, it is a rounded enriched learning journey to develop children for modern life. With its unique curriculum based on free play and exploration, it is no surprise that Forest School has been gaining in popularity. As parents and educators become more aware of its benefits, it is likely that even more children will have access to this enriching educational experience.

Forest School is an integral part of a child’s education at Copthorne Prep – it helps them develop their social and emotional skills, increases outdoor awareness and encourages the development of knowledge that goes beyond the classroom walls.


learning by making

An inspirational approach to nurturing curiosity for Early Years settings

By Education, environment, Forest School, fun for children, Toys
by Jovita Opio
Deputy Manager, Little Lancing Day Nursery & Forest School

It’s a fairly typical experience for many parents – you buy your small child a large toy – for example a sit on (or sit in!) car – and they are far more interested in playing with the box than with what was inside it. It’s something many of us have laughed about! It’s worth thinking about that a bit more though, why does a child do that? Is it that the box fires their imagination, it can be anything they want it to be, and that’s perhaps a more appealing object to explore at first sight than its brightly coloured contents? Another common observation we all have made is that children want to play with ‘real’ things, not just synthetic, child-sized reproductions. They see parents and other adults around them using ‘real’ things and they want to use them too. 

There is no doubt that we are all born curious; babies and small children reach out to explore the world around them and learn rapidly from those experiences. Their parents are their very first educators and babies learn so quickly, it’s no great surprise therefore that those practitioners passionate about Early Years education want to continue to nurture that natural curiosity, imagination and creative thinking in their nursery settings – for staff job satisfaction as well as for the wellbeing of all the children in their care!

There are many elements that come together to create an environment where children’s development can flourish – whether it’s the calm ambience created by a subdued colour scheme, authentic items made of organic materials, or natural objects to capture the imagination. These all play a part in creating the framework within which children’s imaginations can blossom – neutral colours allow the learning to shine through, rather than distract from it, the hands-on feel of wicker baskets, wooden objects, carvings and ornaments connects children to the natural world around them and metal pots, pans, kitchen accessories are durable and ‘real’ items to role-play with.

So-called ‘loose parts play’ is another intriguing factor – carefully supervised – children find seemingly endless joy in making things out of nuts, bolts, washers and screws. It’s amazing what can be found in charity shops, car boot sales and by turning out old cupboards at home that can be used to build a stock of such materials, and recycling these items is also a way of doing a small bit for the environment at the same time.

But it’s so much more than muted colours, wooden crates and metal household objects that are important to a nursery that seeks to embrace this approach. It’s also a mindset. A combination of mindfulness and the Danish concept of Hygge – a sense of warmth, cosiness and homeliness, that encourage the children to develop their sense of awe and wonder in the world around them. So a nursery that seems more like an extension of home helps to promote the comfort children feel in their own homes. Working in partnership with parents is hugely important and creates a virtuous circle between nursery, child and home, with of course the child very much at its centre.

Time spent outdoors contributes significantly to nurturing a child’s sense of wonder. Forest School is now well established as a buzz word for nurseries and parents – children begin to learn how to assess risks for themselves in a safe environment, connect with nature and if they get covered in mud while doing so, so much the better! The glow of joy and pride radiating from a child’s face when they have made their very own bug hotel (it might look like a mass of mud and twigs in a jar to the rest of us!) is a powerful testament to the value of outdoor learning to building self-confidence, a sense of achievement, resilience and perseverance. This is so much more of a rewarding experience for the child than merely picking up a mass-produced article from a retailer.

In our setting, this lies at the very heart of our ethos and we are now formally working towards our accreditation with The Curiosity ApproachTM – – a programme that in its own words offers “A modern approach to Early Years. taking parts from Reggio, Steiner, Te Whariki and a sprinkle of Montessori.” It seeks to inspire early years practitioners to be thoughtful, curious and passionate in their work with the eager little learners they care for. We’re looking forward to taking this magical learning journey ourselves and to creating curiosity-driven learning journeys with our Little Lancing families.

Jovita Opio is the Deputy Manager at Little Lancing Day Nursery & Forest School. For further details please call 01273 465900 or visit or email

first aid training

First aid for parents

By children's health, Education, First Aid, Health
by Feola McCandlish
Daisy First Aid

Would you know what to do if your child choked, swallowed something they shouldn’t have, hit their head, was burned, had a seizure or fell unconscious? Would you know how to recognise the early stages of meningitis or a severe allergic reaction?

No parent wants to think about their child being harmed; but unfortunately accidents do happen and learning essential first aid skills can make all the difference in an emergency situation.

What is first aid?
First aid is the immediate treatment given to a person before medical help arrives.
Your first actions while you wait for an ambulance can make all the difference and can sometimes even mean the difference between life and death.

There is so much to think about when you have a baby and it’s understandable that first aid might not be at the top of your list – especially when you are sleep-deprived and trying to figure out how to keep your tiny human alive.

Learning first aid can be scary, particularly when it is our own children we are talking about, but it doesn’t have to be. Learning first aid with like-minded people in a relaxed and informal environment can actually be a lot of fun.

Perfect for pregnancy
Did you know you can do a first aid class when you are expecting? It’s safe to do during pregnancy and it’s something you can tick off that ever-growing list! Why not learn with your antenatal group, friends or family?

Lots of parents, understandably, worry about choking when they are beginning to wean their baby. Did you know that babies have extremely sensitive gag reflexes, which are there to help keep your baby safe from choking?

When a baby is weaning it’s completely normal to experience a lot of coughing, gagging and going red in the face. A common misconception is that you will hear a person choking but you won’t; severe choking is usually completely silent. Knowing the difference between gagging and severe choking is really important, particularly when you are about to wean your baby. If they’re coughing and going red in the face that’s a great sign, we can usually let them work it out themselves; if they’re silent and turning blue they need our help.

Doing a first aid class can put your mind at ease when it comes to weaning your baby so you can relax enjoy the process (and focus on cleaning the mess!) and feel confident that you know what steps to take if your baby does choke.

Not just for babies
It’s not just babies who sometimes require first aid. Once your child is mobile, a whole new world will open up to them; it’s an exciting time for them and you! Young children love putting things in their mouths. Did you know this is for sensory reasons? They have more nerve endings in their mouths than they do in their fingers so they find out more about an object if they put it in their mouth! But this obviously poses a choking risk.

Once your child is walking, running and climbing it’s normal for blows to the head to become a fairly regular occurrence (at least, they are in our house!) Would you know how to treat a head injury? And would you know what signs to look out for in a serious head injury?

Learning vital first aid skills gives confidence to parents and other child carers so that they would know what to do in an emergency involving their baby or child. All it takes is two hours.

Daisy First Aid teaches award-winning courses to parents, expectant parents and children all over Sussex in homes and public venues. They also provide OFSTED compliant courses for teachers and childcare professionals in local venues and private settings.

For more information visit

confident learners

How do we best prepare our children for the future?

By Education, Forest School, Mental health, Playing, Relationships
by Nick Oakden
Head of Junior Prep School, Hurst College

In our fast-paced, ever-changing world, Nick Oakden, Head of Junior Prep School at Hurst College, explains how we can best prepare our children for their futures. The last few years have taught us that whilst we may not know what is around the corner, or indeed yet understand the world our children will face as adults, we do know that developing a strong sense of independence will mean that our children will be able to adapt and thrive in any situation.

Developing independence is a journey, and one that should start at the very beginning of a child’s education. An independent mindset that is developed from a young age will build self-confidence, develop problem-solving skills, and encourage a sense of responsibility. Embedding an independent attitude should be a fundamental part of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). It starts with small practical steps such as getting dressed into their school uniform and packing their own bags which develops into shaping their own learning in a safe, nurturing environment.

One of the most critical benefits of developing independence in young children is that it builds their self-confidence. In a world where the internet and social media have a powerful influence on our children’s self-image, it is important that we embed opportunities for our pupils to develop inner confidence from a young age, about who they are and how to relate positively to others. One of the ways we seek to do this is to encourage pupils to try new things and give them opportunities to develop friendships outside of their form. We provide our pupils with a wide variety of co-curricular opportunities such as Woodland Camp craft skills, drama, dance and sporting activities, from the Reception year, to broaden their experiences and extend their learning beyond the classroom.

Independence also fosters creativity and imagination among pupils. When they are given the freedom to explore and experiment, they can expand their understanding and develop new ideas and solutions. It is important to provide pupils with tools and open-ended tasks which allow them to express themselves. Sometimes, a pot of water, a paintbrush and a brick wall are all that is needed, alongside an environment that encourages creative play.

Of course, one of the major obstacles that can prevent pupils from becoming more independent is a fear of failure. To encourage a more independent approach, we must help pupils to see failure as an opportunity to learn, rather than something to be avoided at all costs. As parents, the temptation to ‘helicopter in’ and save the day by dropping off a forgotten PE kit can seem to be the right thing to do. However, if we foster independence rather than dependency, then children will learn so much more than where the spare kit is kept at school. The skills and strategies that children develop when things don’t go to plan are vital in preparing them for the future.

In school, the learning environment should echo this ethos and be a ‘safe space’ where pupils are encouraged to take risks and make mistakes. Whether this is designing and testing experiments in a science lab, exploring Woodland School or performing on stage, pupils should focus on the importance of the learning journey, rather than the outcome. When pupils do this, failure is recognised as an important part of the journey.

Another benefit of developing independence is that it teaches pupils about responsibility. When children are independent, they learn to take responsibility for their actions, decisions and behaviour. In Early Years, examples such as self-registering, tidying the classroom and packing their school bags should be part of their daily routines. As the pupils get older, the levels of responsibility invariably increase, and they use the building blocks that have already been established to independently embrace new challenges, such as the introduction of homework.

As well as the practical aspects of responsibility, schools should allow pupils to take responsibility for their learning and develop ownership of their studies. We seek to achieve this through a curriculum that empowers the pupils. In the Early Years, child-initiated activities and discovery time are at the heart of excellent practice. This allows pupils to direct their learning around their own interests, creating purposeful and bespoke learning opportunities. As pupils progress into Key Stage One, a creative curriculum weaves together all subject areas through a thematic approach which allows them to ask questions and seek their own answers, putting in place the building blocks for independent research as they progress in their academic journey. Although knowledge is important, what will be required in the future is an aptitude for flexibility and an attitude of mind which promotes questioning and is open to new learning.

We are all aware that the world is changing, and our role as educators is to prepare pupils to embrace the future. As children become more independent, they become more confident in their abilities to think critically, solve problems and find solutions, which is a valuable skill for success in school and beyond.

As Franklin D Roosevelt famously said: “We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future”.

Hurst College is a thriving independent school for children aged between 4 and 18 with an overarching aim to provide an excellent all round education with a strong academic core and is ideally located between Brighton and Haywards Heath.

school fees

Can you afford private school?

By Education, Finance
by Graham Bond
Bursar, Burgess Hill Girls

According to School Fees Checker (, the average annual fees for an independent school in the UK are £20,480 for day pupils and £34,790 for boarders. It is widely acknowledged in the UK media that families are finding it increasingly difficult to afford a private education. Given the current cost-of-living crisis, it is reasonable to assume that this situation has worsened.

As an independent school in Sussex, we are committed to offering competitive fees and maximising accessibility. In fact, we have managed to maintain consistent fees in recent years, without even adjusting them for inflation. However, it is important to acknowledge that overall, fees in the private education sector have had to rise over the past few decades to cover the increasing costs of facility development and maintenance, as well as the recruitment and retention of high-quality teaching staff.

So if you aspire to provide your children with a private education but have concerns about financing, what can you do? Here are several options for you to consider.

Most schools have a bursary fund set aside to offer means-tested financial support to those families who do not have the necessary income or financial resources to afford a private education.

Most schools also offer scholarships with discounts offered to students, typically for those with outstanding talents in sport or the arts or exceptional academic performance.

Financial aid
In addition to financial support offered by schools themselves, there are a number of independent organisations that might be able to offer help with school fees. The Educational Trusts’ Forum has a directory of quite a few.

Payment plans
Suppliers like Premium Credit ( and My School Fee Plan ( allow you to pay your school fees by easy to manage monthly direct debits. Some schools might also offer this option directly.

Grandparent support
If you know that your parents want to eventually pass on some money to you or your children it might be worth having the conversation now to see if they might be willing to invest in their education. Up to £3,000 per year can be gifted tax free or for larger donations they might want to set-up a family business or trust, both of which can be used to pay school fees.

Employer support
Some employers may provide support for paying your childrens’ fees via arrangements including; payment of fees as part of your remuneration package, employer scholarship schemes, salary sacrifice and tax free childcare schemes. If you are working in the Armed Forces you can apply for the Continuity of Education Allowance (CEA) to help with boarding school fees. On top of this, many boarding schools, including Burgess Hill Girls, offer additional discounts to families in the Armed Forces.

Go hybrid
If you really want your child to benefit from a private education but do not believe you will be able to afford the full fourteen years from age four to eighteen, you might want to consider a hybrid option. Many families opt for state education until senior school, allowing more time to save. In UK counties with state-funded grammar schools, some families opt for private education at a younger age with the hope that the academic advancements offered in these schools can increase their chances of getting into a grammar school at age eleven.

Start saving early
You are sure to have a lot more disposable income before children arrive so why not start saving early? You can always divert the money into another investment if your plans change. Even better, consider investing your savings to grow your private school pot quicker. Be sure to make use of tax-free savings and investments like ISAs or pensions, if you are 55 or older when your children are still at school you can take up to 25% as a lump sum.

Sibling discounts
Many private schools offer additional discounts when the second or third sibling attends the school.

Consider extra costs
Be sure to understand what you get from your school fees. For example at Burgess Hill Girls, meals, after-school clubs and wrap-around care are included. At other independent schools you might have to pay extra.

Consider extra savings
Instead of extra costs you might be surprisingly pleased to hear that an independent school, particularly a prep school, can offer savings, so the real cost is not as much as you might think. Due to government funding and savings on childcare, clubs and meals we have calculated that the first year in our Prep School for some families might cost as little as £260 per month!

Speak to the school
Most independent schools will offer tailored options for paying school fees. For example, some might offer discounts if you pay a significant amount of fees upfront. Others might be willing to extend your payments for several years after your child has left to spread out the cost.

Shop around
Fees do vary. For example, take our home county of Sussex where prep school annual fees vary from £6,600 to £22,290, annual senior school day fees vary from £14,190 to £28,260, and annual full boarding fees vary from £31,800 to £57,690. Typically the highest performing schools are the most selective and the most expensive but that does not guarantee they will be suitable for your child, even if they do pass the entrance exams. We would advise choosing the school that works best for your child, and where you think they will do best. Hopefully, it has fees that will work for you too. But as you would with any significant outlay, and this must surely be one of your biggest, try out a few schools and see if you can achieve further discounts via scholarships or bursaries if either is a potential option for your family. If neither, you might get a firm no, but there is no harm in asking for a discount!

Do your homework
Once you are down to your final shortlist it is time to really work out the numbers. Look at how the school’s fees increase as your child moves up the school and ask for an estimate of how fees might increase from year to year. For a true comparison you should work out the total cost for the length of time your child might be at the school, including any significant extras in addition to the fees.

If you are keen to educate your child privately but uncertain whether you have the appropriate finance, we hope this article has given you a thorough understanding of the costs and potential savings you can make. If you would like any further advice we would be delighted to speak with you. Contact our admissions team to arrange an informal chat.

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FREE holiday clubs for eligible children: What is HAF and how can it help me?

By Childcare and Nannying, Education, environment, family, Finance, Holiday camps

Since 2021 the government has funded a programme called HAF (Holiday, Activities and Food programme) across all areas of the country.

Research has shown that the school holidays can be pressure points for some families. For some children this can lead to a holiday experience gap, with some children being:
• Less likely to access organised holiday activities.
• More likely to experience ‘unhealthy holidays’ in terms of nutrition and physical health.
• More likely to experience social isolation.

In response to this research there are now a large number of holiday club providers who are offering HAF places to eligible children (from reception to year 11).

The aims of the programme are to ensure children:
• Eat healthily over the school holidays.
• Are active during the school holidays.
• Take part in engaging and enriching activities which support the development of resilience, character and wellbeing.
• Be safe and not to be socially isolated.
• Have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition.

Currently a very low percentage of those eligible are actually using their free places. It is really important to raise the profile of this programme across all areas to ensure it reaches as many children and families as possible. The benefits and opportunities this programme offers are huge, however many families are put off because they do not realise they are eligible or because they don’t understand what it means.

For any parent or carer who receives any financial support for their children it is worth exploring this further. There are a wide range of clubs that offer HAF spaces and we need to make sure these places are filled to ensure the continued funding of the programme. Whenever you see HAF activities being advertised please help spread the word and let’s get this great programme out to as many families as possible.

For further information please visit


Dyslexia and dyscalculia – why assess?

By Education, special educational needs
by Vicki Lader
360 Dyslexia ltd.

This article is for parents and carers with concerns about their children’s learning and progress in school. It describes dyslexia and dyscalculia and explores some of the questions a parent might have about assessment, including the benefits and what age might be best to assess.

Dyslexia is a learning difference that affects a child’s ability to read, write, and spell. It is known to affect around 10% of the population. Children with dyslexia have challenges with phonological processing and verbal memory skills which means they have trouble understanding the sounds that make up words. This can impact on reading and spelling. However, there are often great strengths linked to vocabulary, having creative ideas for writing and reading comprehension. Dyslexia can also make some areas of maths trickier such as learning times tables, sequencing, telling the time and word problem solving.

Dyscalculia is less well-known than dyslexia although it affects at least one in 20 people and possibly higher. Children with dyscalculia may find it challenging to understand maths concepts and remember math facts. Estimating, ordering and counting can be hard. They may also have difficulties with spatial awareness and understanding mathematical symbols and notation.

Dyslexia and dyscalculia both sit under the umbrella term of neurodiversities, including ASD, ADHD, Dyspraxia and others. Instead of seeing these as problematic, it is important to think in terms of diversity, difference and to focus on the strengths that they can bring.

Why assess?
The first reason it may be beneficial to assess a child for dyslexia or dyscalculia is to identify any needs as early as possible. This means support can be put in place as and when it is needed. Current recommendations are to assess from the age of seven, although it can be more suitable for some children to wait until eight or nine years and this can be discussed with the assessor.

Another reason would be to provide the appropriate support in class and additional interventions. A full diagnostic assessment (undertaken by a specialist assessor) leads to personalised recommendations, including those for specialist teaching, ensuring the right support can be put in place, tailored to that child’s profile of strengths and difficulties.

Children with dyslexia and/or dyscalculia can find some aspects of school hard work, and this may lead to low self-esteem or frustration. Using a strengths-based model, an assessment will identify what your child does well, or excels at alongside their challenges and this can help them to feel more positive about their learning overall.

Assessment information
A formal diagnostic assessment should be carried out by a trained specialist. They will use different tools to find out the child’s unique profile of strengths and difficulties. These tools can be referred to as quizzes, games or activities and this can help reduce any worries the child may have. A report will give thorough and personalised recommendations and advice to help in both the short and long-term.

To label or not to label?
As a final thought it is worth considering the potential impact of a label on your child. Some children find this helpful and reassuring as it explains their challenges. A few may struggle with the idea of having a ‘condition’ and possibly use it as an excuse to not try. Only parents know what is best for their child and talking this through with an assessor can be very helpful. Many organisations promote these neurodiversities as differences with some exceptional strengths attached to the profile. An example is the British Dyslexia Association short film; ‘See Dyslexia Differently’.

360 Dyslexia is a learning assessment service that takes a holistic approach to identify the strengths and needs of a child, young person or adult. Full diagnostic assessments include dyslexia and/or dyscalculia and parents/carers are invited to contact us to discuss what this would involve and how best to support the needs of your child.