Generic editorial guidelines
ABC Magazine is editorial-led. This means that the magazine is always on or above the ratio of 60% generic editorial to 40% advertising. This ensures that we are a useful and informative magazine and not simply a listing of ads.
ABC Magazine aims to inform and educate its readers about family-related subjects and succeeds in making the magazine a reference source to be kept by readers for the full four month period (and beyond for many who keep back issues for future reference).
Generic editorial
Generic editorial should be about the subject matter only and not advertise or promote your company, product or service by name. Please bear in mind a generic editorial may support other similar businesses. When referring to published information, please ensure that you have the permission of the originator and credit it to them. The author is credited with a byline, by Jane Henderson XYZ Ltd and an extended credit about their business at the end of the editorial.
All editorial should be emailed as a simple Word document. We will come back to you as soon as possible if there is a problem with the editorial (either in length or content). Once typeset a proof will be emailed to you for final checking prior to printing.
It is requested that any generic editorial supplied to ABC Magazine is exclusive to ABC Magazine for the life of the magazine in which it appears. All contributions may be reproduced in any county edition of ABC Magazine or on our website.
Images (photos and illustrations) help break up an article and make it easier to read. If you would like to submit images please ensure you have permission to use these and email them as high resolution jpegs, tiffs or pdfs – high resolution is minimum of 300 dpi. It’s better if you can send us a few images to choose from, so we can select those that work better with the final layout but please remember these are always used space allowing. If you do not submit any images we will source something suitable to illustrate the editorial. Generic editorial will be set in house font, using the house style and your paid for ad will appear alongside your generic editorial. The ABC member of staff you have agreed editorial with will give you a word count, an outline of content and deadline date in writing – usually clearly marked on the order form.
An example generic editorial, including the client’s ad

Copy requirements
Complete digital artwork specifications
Ads must be submitted by email or our WeTransfer link via our website.
The total file size of all attachments in one email must not exceed 5 MB. To upload larger file sizes please use WeTransfer.
All output files must be saved preferably as a PDF (to PDF/X-la standard)EPS files and JPEGs are also accepted.
Image resolution (including embedded images) must be at least 300 dpi at 100%.
Images must be CMYK (not RGB), suitable for four colour separation and high quality printing. No other colourspace, spot colours or Pantones™ accepted.
Colour critical images will require a Chromalin™.
All fonts/typefaces must be embedded in PDF files, or converted to outlines in EPS files.
We cannot accept any files created in Adobe Pagemaker, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Word, or any non-graphic programme.
If you are unable to supply complete digital artwork to our specifications, the ABC Studio can produce artwork for you at a subsidised charge.
If any of the above is unclear, please contact the ABC Studio on (01273) 542257 at your earliest convenience.
ABC studio artwork service

Rates include three options (A, B, or C) and can be amended each issue.
You need to supply:
- An accurate Word document of required text, together with clear instructions if you have a specific layout in mind.
- A TIF, JPG or PDF of any image, photo or logo roughly to size and at least 300 dpi at 100%.
- If line-art, logos or maps are to be scanned, you will need to supply clear copy printouts (not a photocopy) with CMYK colour breakdown. All photographic images should contain a good degree of contrast.
- Faxed artwork or text is not accepted.
- A CMYK breakdown must be supplied for all colour critical artwork.
Subsidised charge for advertisements appearing in ABC Magazine only. Any advertisements generated by us, remain the property of ABC Magazine and may not be used in other publications without prior written permission.
Please send all artwork to either sussex@abcmag.co.uk or surrey@abcmag.co.uk
Display advertising dimensions

Publication size
A4, perfect bound
Cover Gutters and Bleeds
No crops. 3 mm bleed all round, 5 mm gutter on inside edge.
Image Resolution
At least 300 dpi.
CMYK four colour separation.
Large file uploads and delivery
Artwork Delivery
We accept Mac-Formatted CD’s or DVD’s only. Where accurate colour reproduction is required, please supply a hard copy colour proof with all digital files
The maximum total file size of all attachments in any one E-mail must not exceed 5Mb.
Transfer via We Transfer
Files larger than 5mb can be delivered via We Transfer, a third party product which is free and easy to use. ABC Magazines take no responsibility for any issues occurring from such 3rd Party products.
Publication Dates & Deadlines
These copy deadlines only apply to advertising space, which has already been booked.
Published 1st March current until 1st July
Editorial copy deadline mid-December
Artwork copy deadline mid-January
Published 1st July current until 1st November
Editorial copy deadline mid-April
Artwork copy deadline mid-May
Published 1st November current until 1st March
Editorial copy deadline mid-August
Artwork copy deadline mid-September