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Primary school

happy children in forest

The power of a small prep school Embracing the ‘try everything’ philosophy

By Education, environment, Forest School, fun for children, Green, Mental health, Nature, Primary school, Relationships
by Charlotte Moore
St Christopher’s Prep

In a world where education is often evaluated by standardised testing and one-size-fits-all metrics, nestled in the heart of a vibrant community, small preparatory schools are quiet powerhouses that have a unique charm. They offer a distinct advantage over larger educational institutions, such as smaller class sizes, a strong sense of community, and individualised attention from teachers. They punch well above their weight through a compelling philosophy that sets them apart – the ‘try everything’ approach to learning.

This philosophy encourages pupils to engage in a wide range of experiences, regardless of their interests or perceived talents. This inclusive model is particularly feasible in small prep schools, where the environment is often more adaptable and personalised than in larger institutions. The imperative of a ‘try everything’ philosophy is not just to expose pupils, but to embed a spirit of curiosity and cross-disciplinary agility.

The encouragement to engage with various subjects and extra curricular activities reflects a deeper understanding of the education process – it’s through experience and reflection that genuine learning takes place. Pupils are taught to value the journey of learning, to embrace failures as learning opportunities, and to develop a growth mindset that views challenges as stepping stones to mastery.

Pupils are invited to dip their toes into a variety of subjects and extra curricular activities – from arts to sciences, sports to technology – and discover passions they may not have known they had. They might find themselves coding a robot in one class, sewing a blanket in another and rehearsing a Shakespearean play in the next.

The key to this method is the idea that true learning comes from exploration and experimentation, which isn’t always found in textbooks. In a rapidly changing world, it is ever more important to be adaptable and have a broad skill set as well as specialised knowledge. From teamwork and leadership in sports, critical thinking in debate clubs, to innovation in STEM projects, pupils become well-equipped for future challenges. Such an education cultivates adaptive individuals who can thrive in the dynamic environments of higher education and the professional world.

Small class sizes of typical prep schools allow for highly individualised attention. Teachers are really able to nurture the curiosity of each pupil, encouraging them to take risks in a safe and supportive environment. Not only does this foster a love of learning, but it also helps to build resilience and confidence, both of which are qualities that are essential in both personal and professional lives.

A small prep school often has a much closer-knit community which provides more leadership opportunities. With fewer pupils to compete with for positions on school councils, drama productions, or as school prefects or team captains, pupils are able to step up and lead in more areas. This close-knit environment fosters a greater sense of responsibility and community engagement.

Small prep schools are able to promote an inclusive culture where hobbies and abilities are not dictated by societal expectations but by personal exploration and growth.

By encouraging all pupils to get involved, and try everything, teachers are creating opportunities for collaboration. It also helps break down barriers and fears. Those pupils who may have been reluctant to join a robotics club or a sewing club, for fear of not fitting in, may discover a love for engineering or garment making. Not everyone is naturally gifted at academics or sports but by being encouraged to join in, those who may have thought they were not great, may still find joy in doing it.

Subjects can often be compartmentalised but this ‘try everything’ approach supports a cross-disciplinary learning. Pupils applying their historical knowledge in English discussions or their artistic sensibilities in science projects shows a holistic educational approach that small prep schools champion.

Smaller class sizes and a more diverse lesson curriculum helps broaden the horizons of pupils so they become more rounded human beings when they progress to their senior school. These people are prepared to not just navigate the world but shape it into something better. A smaller school can be an incubator for future leaders. With the access to teachers and the excellent resources and opportunities the pupils have, these schools help ignite curiosity and arm the pupils themselves with the tools needed to build a fulfilling life. Alumni of small prep schools often attribute their success to the versatility and adaptability that was nurtured in their early education.

The ‘try everything’ philosophy at a small prep school is a powerful tool for education and is not something to be missed. It champions the idea that pupils should be encouraged to embrace a multitude of experiences, helping to shape them into adaptable, curious and innovative thinkers. In schools like these, the power of learning is limitless, and the outcomes are as diverse as the opportunities that they provide.

St Christopher’s Prep is an outstanding independent co-ed prep school. Please call 01273 735404 to discover how we could be the perfect match for your child’s educational start.

girls in class

Early Years learning – a foundation for life

By Early Years, Education, Primary school
by Matthew Byran
Headmaster, Longacre School

Forgive me, dear reader, for starting an article about the early years talking about myself. You see, I’ve been a teacher since I left university, which means that not only have I never skipped a long summer holiday, but I’ve also always had a sense that I knew a fair bit about education and what really mattered (for good and not so good). The problem was, it has only been in the last few years that I stopped getting things completely upside down.

You see, I fell into the trap – and it’s common enough – of thinking that because I was most aware of the impact of university and secondary school (which helped me considerably to get into that university), that this phase of education must be the most important. The inspiring Mr Chips/Dead Poets Society/History Boys kind of teachers, the independence, the club ties, the grown-up vocabulary and ill-judged use of Foucault, Derrida or Rousseau to gain intellectual gravitas. When people ask where you went to school, they don’t mean when you were five. And therein lies the problem: it is easy enough to categorise someone if you know they went to Harvard, or boarding school, but in so doing you are leaning only on preconceptions about that place, or that kind of place, and you lose sight of the individual, unique, human in front of you.

Even when I was fortunate enough to have children, and they in turn went to preschool, I didn’t understand that this moment, right here, was to be pivotal in what I sincerely hope will be a happy and fulfilling life for them. When I saw that they had played with shaving foam, or made ‘food’ from play dough, I was mostly glad that it hadn’t been left to me to do the cleaning up; when they appeared in their first nativity plays, I worried about whether they had been cast in an appropriately starring part – often, indeed, as a star of some kind…

Reception seemed much the same, a riot of building blocks and stories and – mostly – playing nicely with other children. Meanwhile, I was busily giving my son toys and puzzles that were pitched far in excess of his actual age in what I now recognise was a bid to increase his chances of one day going to one of those high-profile schools or universities that people often talk about.

To clarify, I have no quarrel with those seats of learning which give their students outstanding opportunities to learn, debate and produce new ideas. Nor do I take exception to parents who want the best for their children – even now, I bow to no one in my hopes and aspirations for my children. But I fundamentally changed my outlook when I took on the job of being a prep school Head, with its own Early Years setting. My aspirations now extend to some 250 children, and I want to give every one of them the best chance to succeed. How to do this? The most efficient way is to give a child the best Early Years experience possible.

As the Head of an independent school, I am sometimes asked what is the most important phase of schooling if parents only have limited funds which they wish to invest in education, or what is the minimum number of years to be in private prep school in order to gain access to a prestigious secondary school, or a non-fee paying grammar school. The older I get, the more unequivocal my answer: there is no more important phase in a child’s education than their first years. For working parents, and notwithstanding government initiatives, preschool is a seriously expensive business. Reception at an independent school means yet more significant expense. This isn’t a sales pitch, either for my school or private schools in general, but I do encourage parents to find the best possible early years experience for their children. Don’t fall into the same trap that I did, of thinking that those early moments with crayons and blocks, mud kitchen and dressing up boxes, are anything less than critical.

The best days in the Early Years are filled with stories, multi-sensory experience, physical activity and making your mark on the world. Children must learn independence, as well as how to leverage the knowledge and experience of their teachers. Let them learn self-reliance, and how to share. Let children play in imaginary worlds and discover knowledge for themselves. Understanding exactly when to follow the rules, and when to exercise one’s own judgement and break those rules, can take a lifetime. I was once told that toddlers jump in puddles to prove their existence in the universe. If only Rene Descartes had had that kind of existential awareness.

Practitioners in Early Years settings routinely show some of the best pedagogical techniques that you will find anywhere. Play-based learning ensures fun, ensures motivation, ensures genuine educational progress. Learning is tailored to individuals, rather than a one-size fits all approach to lesson planning. Children’s answers are taken on their own merits, rather than a test of how closely they approximate to a teacher’s predetermined answer in fact. They experience fun, excitement, variety, fresh air and utilise all of their senses.

Children have agency over their choices and activities, with the guiding hand of an adult expert in the background ensuring that they cover the full range of crucial learning goals. They are allowed – nay, encouraged – to fail, reassess, persevere and find a way. There is a noteworthy absence of grade point averages or positions in class. There is barely a mention of extrinsic motivation in the form of house points or treats – not needed when visible learning and progress provide their own encouragement. There should be a total absence of fear: no fear of being shouted at by teachers (as a parent, I wish I could say that I had never lost my temper with my toddler child, but I can assure you that it’s a great deal easier when working with other people’s children!), nor fear of disappointing parents by failing to live up to their expectations.

But what of phonics? Or cursive handwriting? The essential step of learning pencil grip or fluent reading aloud? Well yes, each of these has great value. They should all come, and in an ideal world will come before a child reaches the point of cognitive development wherein they are aware of their relative prowess compared to peers – usually around six to eight years old. But not at the expense of the personal, social and emotional development, physical development and communication and language which will underpin a whole lifetime. Not before the child is ready. And definitely not by skipping some of the key foundation points in a bid to ‘get ahead’.

There is no sense, nor lasting learning, in memorising the first phonic sounds (S, A, T, P, I, N in case you wondered) before one can recognise and understand the environmental sounds around us – a ticking clock, a telephone ringing or a knock at the door. There is danger in making assumptions, and great value in utilising the skills, experience and perspective of an Early Years specialist. These years really are a foundation for life, the best way to ensure that our children grow up to be confident, kind, resilient and thoughtful.

Longacre School – delivering an engaging learning experience for boys and girls aged 2+ located between Guildford and Cranleigh.
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Which primary school?

By Education, Primary school, Relationships

Applying for a state primary school in the UK is a crucial step in a child’s education journey. The process can seem overwhelming, especially for first-time parents or those new to the country’s education system. However, with the right information and preparation, it can be a straightforward and manageable task.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to apply for a state primary school.

1. Understand the basics
Before you start the application process, it’s essential to understand some key concepts:
• Catchment area
State primary schools often prioritise children living within a specific catchment area. This means your residential address can significantly impact your school options.

• Admissions criteria
Each school has its own admission criteria, which can include proximity to the school, siblings already attending, or other factors like religion or special needs.

• Key dates
Keep track of application deadlines, as they vary by region and school. Generally, applications are due around January for entry the following September.

2. Research schools
Begin by researching the primary schools in your area. You can use magazines like ABC, online resources, school directories and word of mouth to compile a list of potential schools. Pay attention to OFSTED ratings, which indicate school quality, and visit school websites to learn about their programmess, facilities and admission policies.

3. Determine your preferences
Consider your priorities when selecting schools. Think about factors such as location, school size, teaching approach (e.g. Montessori or traditional) and extracurricular activities. Make a list of your top choices based on these criteria.

4. Check admission criteria
Review the admission criteria for each school on your list. This information is usually available on the school’s website or through your local education authority. Understanding the criteria will help you assess your chances of securing a place at each school.

5. Visit schools
Whenever possible, visit the schools you’re interested in preferably with your child. Open days and tours provide an opportunity to get a feel for the school environment and meet staff members. It can also help you decide if a school aligns with your child’s needs and your expectations.

6. Complete the application form
Most schools in the UK use a common application form provided by your local education authority. You can usually find this form on the authority’s website or request a copy from the school. Fill out the form accurately, providing all required information, including your school choices.

7. List schools in order of preference
On the application form, you’ll typically be asked to list your preferred schools in order. It’s crucial to rank them carefully because this order can affect your child’s chances of getting into their top choice.

8. Proof of address
Be prepared to provide proof of your address, as this will be a significant factor in school allocation. Utility bills, council tax statements, or lease agreements are typically accepted as proof.

9. Sibling priority
If you have other children already attending a particular school, mention this on your application. Many schools give sibling priority, increasing the likelihood of your younger child being admitted.

10. Submit your application
Submit your completed application form by the specified deadline. Be sure to keep a copy for your records and request a receipt or confirmation of submission if possible.

11. Wait for offers
After the application deadline, you’ll have to wait for the local authority to process applications and allocate school places. This process can take several weeks, so be patient.

12. Respond to offers
Once you receive offers from schools, you’ll need to respond promptly. If you’re offered a place at your top-choice school, accept it as soon as possible.

13. Appeals process (if necessary)
If your child doesn’t get a place at your preferred school, you have the right to appeal the decision. The appeals process varies by region, so check with your local education authority for guidance on how to proceed.

In conclusion, applying for a state primary school involves thorough research, careful planning and adherence to deadlines.

Understanding the local admission criteria and prioritising your preferences will increase your chances of securing a place at a school that aligns with your child’s educational needs and your family’s values. Remember that the process can be very competitive, so it’s essential to be well-prepared and flexible in your choices.

Good luck with your application!