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body positive

Three body positivity lessons you need to teach your children

By Mental health, Playing, Relationships

There are many lessons we teach our children: from how to be kind to others, to being diligent in their studies. But the most important lesson we need to teach them is how to love and accept themselves.

As role models, we want to instill ultimate body positivity into our little ones, so that they can walk confidently on the runway of life and withstand any external criticism.

Here are the top three body positivity lessons to teach your children and help them develop and sustain their body confidence.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way
Before you even start teaching your little ones how to love their bodies, you need to instil in them a healthy perception of beauty. As the pure creatures they are, they probably already have an inner understanding that everyone is beautiful in their own way. In order to keep them open-minded about beauty standards, untouched by certain pressures from society, you need to emphasise on that. Explain to them just how diverse we are and how beautiful that is. No matter what our skin type or body size is, we are all equally beautiful and worthy. It’s likely that they will start asking you questions about people’s skin colour or disabilities, and it’s your job to emphasise the equality of beauty.

Activity idea: Take your children to the beach and observe people. Explain to them about different body shapes, skin colours and genders, and ask them to name what they find beautiful in other people. It’s likely that one of the first thing they’ll notice will be the vibrant designer bikinis people are wearing, as children are easily attracted by colour and patterns. Point to the fact how they look different on people, yet everyone is beautiful and wearing them with confidence.

By addressing any preconceptions about beauty norms from a young age, it’s likely that you will raise kind and compassionate people, who can help make this world a better place.

Your children can’t love their bodies if they’re not familiar with how they work. This is your chance to give them a few anatomy lessons.

Alongside explaining the physiology of their bodies, teach them to accept them as they are. Just like everyone is different, they could also have some features that don’t exactly fit into the ‘norm’, and that’s perfectly okay.

Young people who have a support network of friends and family will find self-acceptance easier no matter what issues arise, so that they feel more confident in their bodies.

Activity idea: Ask your children to write a list of things they love about their bodies and why, as well as things they’re good at. This will remind them that self-acceptance isn’t just about their appearance, it’s about their talents too!

Foster a healthy relationship with food
Food is fuel, and it’s vital for children to cultivate a healthy relationship with it from a young age. The earlier they learn to make healthy choices and honour their food, the easier it will be to maintain healthy eating habits in the future.

Often, children can be fussy eaters for whatever reason, but luckily, there are ways you can make food fun and a social activity that brings friends and family together.

During your children’s upbringing, it’s important that they consume all the vital nutrients and minerals to best support their growth. Use the dinner table as a place to educate them on what a balanced diet is and how to appropriately portion their meals and snacks. Explain why fruits and vegetables are important and how good they make us feel.

The best thing you can do is teach your children how to eat intuitively, meaning that they consume food when they’re hungry and stop eating when they’re full. That’s the healthiest relationship with food they can ever have.

Activity idea: Turn your nutritional lessons into a fun game by organising the foods your family eats into three groups – ‘always’, ‘sometimes’, and ‘rarely’. Nutritious foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and protein, go in the ‘always’ category. The ‘sometimes’ category can include things like a takeaway while the ‘rarely’ group can consist of sweets and crisps. Explain why these foods fall into each category. For example, crisps might taste delicious, but they’re full of fats and sugars, which are unhealthy.

Every time you have a meal or do your weekly food shopping, ask your children to class the foods they see and say why. The important thing is that you’re not restricting them from having any of the foods in these categories!

Establishing a positive body image in your children from a young age will help them have the confidence to be and do who they want. It will also help them have a better understanding of why everyone is different and unique, appreciating the world for the beautiful and diverse place it is!

For further information visit

pre prep

10 tips to get your child outside this winter

By Education, environment, Forest School, fun for children, Gardening, Green, Mental health, Playing, Winter

by Heather Cavanagh
Head of Pre-Prep & Prep Burgess Hill Girls

I think most parents would agree that outdoor play is a good idea for young children. The NCT, for example cites the following benefits of outdoor play; better sleep, a fun way to learn, development of motor skills, encouraging a healthy lifestyle, environmental awareness, making new friends and positive effects on parents too.

However, as the days get shorter and the weather colder and wetter, we are all probably guilty of opting to stay inside in the warm when deep down we know we would feel a lot better if we spent more time outside.

Here are some of our tips to help you and the family benefit from getting outside in the fresh air all year round:

1. There is no such thing as bad weather
As Alfred Wainwright, the famous walker and writer, once said, “There is no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing”. If you can kit your children out with the correct warm clothes, waterproofs and wellies they will be able to play outside happily for hours. You might be able to cut down on some washing too!

2. Pack a thermos
During winter walks with my children and now my grandchildren, I always like to pack a thermos with a hot drink. The Owen family from Our Yorkshire Farm enjoy tea in theirs but you could opt for hot chocolate or even some hot blackcurrant or orange squash, and if you are feeling really generous, maybe a few biscuits or a bit of chocolate. I find it to be a useful little incentive to add a bit of excitement to a winter walk. It often provides a special family moment where we can all have a chat together.

3. Leaves, leaves, glorious leaves
Autumnal walks have to be some of my favourite. All the trees are a beautiful array of colours and there is so much you can do with leaves; see if you can catch them as they fall, build big piles and dive into them or take them home for some crafting. Or why not incentivise your children to clear up all the leaves in your garden or drive for some pocket money.

4. Get sporty
Encourage your children to take part in a sport that can be played in the winter. Most can, and I genuinely believe there is something for everyone. Team sports are a great way for children to make friends and a great incentive for children to want to go out and play or practise in the winter months.

5. Seafront walks
Being in Burgess Hill, we are fortunate that Sussex’s beaches are close by. Children love a seafront walk when the waves are crashing over the seawall and there’s a chance to get wet. If you do not have beaches nearby, get your appropriate waterproofs on and seek out some muddy puddles, if it is good enough for Peppa Pig, it has to be fun!

6. Pop to the shops
If your children are old enough and you feel it is safe to do so why not encourage them to run an errand to the local shop for you, maybe with a few pence for some sweets in it for them. Or perhaps you can all venture out together. Visiting the shop and buying some items is also a good opportunity for some impromptu maths too!

7. Borrow a dog
You may already have a dog, but if not I am sure you know someone who has one and most dog owners I know would be glad of your offer to take their pet for a walk. If your child is anything like our pupils who adore our school dog Jasper, they will jump at the opportunity to take a dog for a walk with you.

8. Night time adventures
For young children, being outside at night has something magical about it, especially if you can combine your adventure with a clear starry night, or a full moon, or just simply to go and check out your neighbourhood’s Christmas lights in December!

9. Painted rock trails
You might have heard of geocaching but did you know there are now painted rock trails popping up all over the country. Search out your local area’s web or social media pages and you will probably find details. Even better, paint your own, outside of course, and hide them for people to find on the trail.

10. Walk to school
Some families are lucky enough to be able to walk the whole journey to their school but everyone can walk at least some of the way. Just park a few streets away or further if you are feeling energetic. This will enable your child to notice the environment around them.
It will also teach them about road safety and allow you all to take part in a healthy activity together.

To find out more about Burgess Hill Girls, visit

educational play

Early years development and ‘educational play’

By Education, fun for children, Playing

Since the pandemic, questions about the best way to educate have been asked worldwide. From homeschooling to hybrid learning, parents have had lots to think about. For young children, play is the foundation of development in which they build skills covering language, creativity and emotional intelligence.

While new forms of play gain popularity every year, the basic concept of play has remained the same for several decades.

Following the search term ‘educational play’ seeing an increase in interest of 4,000%, children’s toy retailer, The Kid Collective, delved into the benefits of learning through play and how parents can support their child’s development in early years.

The Kid Collective asked certified coach and mentor, Natalie Green, why play is essential for children, to which she responded: “Play is the exploration of life. Children will play to investigate, make sense of the world and practice skills. Age will determine the skill level and type of play they will engage in. Play can also indicate if there are any concerns in development.”

The benefits of learning through play include:
Social and sharing skills
Through different games and activities, children will learn how to express themselves to others through body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. They will learn new language skills to communicate with peers and, through this communication, respond to others with empathy and perspective. All of these skills will support children with their relationship building.

Playing with others, whether with parents or other children, means a child will learn how to give and take, compromise and work with others. This can be fun and engaging for children, inspiring them to work hard and succeed at the game whilst going at their own pace.

Natalie spoke with the children’s toy retailer on how parents can prepare their children for these interactions: “A great way for parents to encourage a child’s imagination is by picking up the chosen toy and asking questions such as, do you like it? Why? What else can this toy do? And what else? The more open-ended the toy, the greater its value. You’re the role model, the stimulator and the enabler. The more you can say and do, the more your child will be motivated, and in time, they will learn how to best respond, and a partnership in play will develop.”

Creativity and imagination
A huge part of creativity is the ability to problem solve, as a child will use their imagination to create barriers and solutions within a game. Using simple toys such as cars, a child forms their adventure with an end goal and several steps along the way. As parents and guardians interact with the child, you can bring other elements into the play and create problems for your child to solve. Other toys which are brilliant for open-ended play include Connetix Tiles, not only are they a great way for little ones to learn the names of colours and shapes, but they can also inspire creativity and aid the development of fine motor skills, problem-solving and more.

Pretend play allows children to innovate and form experiments with different roles in life from what they’ve seen and witnessed around them. By creating characters and using their imagination, they can decide their language and actions, practising emotional skills. A great way to practice creativity and imagination is role-play, and you can buy several types of role-play toys which allow children to grow and develop.

The Kid Collective and Natalie Green recommend role-playing: “Role-play develops a sense of self, empowering the child to feel and be in control. Role play will go on well into later childhood and is valuable for emotional intelligence as they interact with others and play out feelings and emotions.”

Resilience and emotional regulation
Constant learning can be daunting and stressful; children face problems to solve and create challenges for themselves, competing with themselves or others. Play can reduce anxiety as they learn to take control of situations and practice scenarios, creating resilience as they try again.

Games often have rules and conventions that a child needs to follow. Through this, they must learn how to cope with frustration, jealousy and excitement. Having different emotions can cause impulses the child will need to learn to cope with and manage, reacting appropriately with those around them. Play leads a child’s mind to wander, which encourages spontaneity, and this will soothe their mind as they figure out solutions and boost their confidence.

Founder of The Kid Collective, Laura Davies, summarises: “Children experience critical human development between birth and the age of eight. Play helps the early stages of brain development and helps your child build relationships with others around them. Play supports children in making sense of their surroundings, coordinating their mental and physical capabilities and finding their place. There are many different types of play which can benefit several elements of a child’s development. From role-play toys to educational toys and sensory toys, a parent or guardian can get many types of support to help their young one. We recommend getting different toys and encouraging games which challenge and encourage their children to use their skills to succeed and have fun whilst sharing, being emotionally receptive and building confidence and independence.”

For more insight on the benefits of learning through play, please visit:

The importance of learning to swim

By children's health, fun for children, Playing, Safety, swimming

by Tara Highway
Swimming Squidz

The earlier you can begin a child’s swimming journey, the better that journey will be! Many start when only a few weeks old, which is ideal. My own three children began swimming at about two months old and have had a real passion for swimming and the water ever since.

The idea at a young age, is to grow awareness of the water, learn safety skills and ignite a love for the water. The journey begins as a very sensory one. One, we as instructors and parents need to be very in tune with. It is a slow process during which we must learn to listen to each individual baby/toddler and work to their own needs. One baby may excel, another may struggle with the whole process – what we need to do as instructors and professionals is see and understand their fears and anxieties and then work along side the parent/carer to help them work through their fears. Often, the anxieties and fears are passed through from the parent, so you are not only starting the work with the baby but, on a regular basis, you are helping work on the parent/guardians worries too. Adult anxieties can often stem from a childhood trauma or sometimes there is no trigger, just an ‘irrational fear’.

So, beginning as early as you are able to is paramount for a child’s early safety awareness and confidence in the water, be it a bath, swimming pool, the sea or a river. It also helps them not gain a fear of the water from the outset.

We start them with a cue, so they can relate the words to know what is about to happen. This can be a simple trickle of water over their head, with a ‘Ready go’ command helping them learn to understand it means they are about to get wet. The most important thing is to make it fun, even if they have their own worries. It is so important that the parent or carer shows a huge smile and lots of positive noises, so the baby or toddler understands there is nothing to fear and it is all great fun!

Learning how to blow bubbles is important for their onward learning and planting the idea about learning breathing skills. So we demonstrate bubble blowing by blowing them ourselves – all children find bubbles funny and us doing it often make them chuckle. They need to learn how to blow bubbles and in this way they slowly start trying to mirror what we are doing which is a fun activity for all involved.

For early years learning in the water the key element is fun and enjoyment. It is made more enjoyable involving themes, especially toddler age, from unicorns, tools, space, pirates, flowers, building, Christmas, Easter and so on – different themes keep interest and excitement in the learning. Whether they are working on arm or leg movements, turning, diving, working with noodles, floats or on a big mat, there are so many fun ways to learn in the water, so much so, they think they are just playing and having fun, but they are learning an incredible amount more! For a simple example, if they are on noodle ‘seahorses’ it is the start of them learning about balance, core strength and treading water – what a skill to have!

If you are unable to start them off at an early age, don’t worry that is no problem, things are not always in the right place for an early start. A later start can cause a fear of water or an over confidence, both can be problematic, but equally, it will be fine with the right instructor. It is being able to (as an instructor) ‘curb’ the over confidence, without taking away or ruining the passion and joy of the water or learning. In equal measures, helping an older child (four and above) find their love for the water can be so rewarding as it can be a long journey with many blips along the way.

Every child learns at their own pace but you also have to factor in any special need as these can be very complex. Making sure you understand these needs is all part of your ability to teach successfully, to help each and every child. All these things need to be taken in to account when teaching a confident child, or a very anxious child. Remember, start at the basics and work from there, work to each child’s ability, not what you think is ‘expected’. It is incredibly important to stop and remind yourself that what one child will find easy another may not – finding the way forward to help and encourage their love for water is always a priority. Keeping a routine is what the children like, repetition is key, and we all learn from routine.

Growing a firm bond with each child is a huge step in their confidence, they need to know they can fully trust you in the water, know you will keep them safe. Making absolutely sure they all know, on an individual basis, that what they have achieved no matter how big or small, is fantastic, they need to leave every lesson knowing how well they have done and how proud you are of them. Ending every session with a fun activity is always such a reward for all the children and us as instructors, seeing how happy they are after a great session in the water. One of the mantras in my lessons is always “I can do it, I AM AMAZING.”

There is sadly still a massive proportion of children who have no knowledge or skills in the water at all – this is something that needs to change and soon. Swimming and basic water safety skills are imperative for everyone – it could one day save your child’s life

So, why not find your local swim school and book lessons now?

Swimming Squidz, is a family run business teaching babies and children up to the age of 11 to love the water while staying safe.

sun safety

Are children more susceptible to the sun in water?

By Playing, Safety, Sport, sun safety, swimming

How to keep them safe, according to an expert

As summer rolls around, parents love seeing their children soak up the sunshine; after all, it finally tears them away from their screens. Although, this does give rise to one prominent concern: sun safety. Children’s skin is notoriously susceptible to the sun and, according to experts, they’re even more vulnerable in the water – is this true and, most importantly, how can we keep them safe?

Children’s skin is more vulnerable because its natural defence mechanisms aren’t fully developed, meaning a staggering 80% of total lifetime sun exposure takes place before the age of 18. Ultimately, children are at a higher risk of sun and eye damage resulting from UV rays, whilst being in the water enhances these risks. Why? Firstly, water has an obvious cooling effect; as your children have fun in the sea or swimming pool, they won’t feel like they’re burning. Meanwhile, reflective surfaces (e.g., pool tiles, inflatables) can amplify UV rays. If your child is set to be in the water, you must understand how you can keep them safe.

Thankfully, we have an ideal expert on hand to help ensure that children stay safe in the sun – and water – this summer. Danny Anderson is the owner of Aqua Splash, a business comprising of two incredible, water-based assault courses in Essex. As Danny welcomes thousands of excited children to this water-based activity every year, he is uniquely familiar with the risks that sun exposure can pose, including the proactive steps we can take.

To help you stay on the right track, he’s sharing his top tips:

1. Always remember to ‘use an ounce before leaving the house’.
A helpful rule of thumb when it comes to using sun cream is ‘Use an ounce before leaving the house’. By using this quantity (roughly), and allowing it to soak in for 30 minutes before going outside, you’ll be laying the right foundations. Most people reportedly use less than half this amount, as they severely underestimate how much sun cream is needed; make sure your little one is thoroughly covered.

2. Re-apply every two hours (minimum).
Whilst your children might not be happy to leave the pool and reapply their sun cream, it’s incredibly important that they do. As a minimum, you should re-apply every two hours; if your child is climbing inflatables or going down flumes, re-applying even more regularly is ideal.

3. Never go below SPF 30.
Arguably the most important thing to get right when it comes to skin protection is the SPF factor behind the sun cream you’re using; if this isn’t sufficient, it simply won’t fulfil its purpose.

When choosing sun cream for your children, always opt for SPF 30+ at the very least; if you can find a higher SPF, do! The higher the factor, the better protection your cream will provide.

4. Don’t forget the cream’s UVA rating.
Although your sun cream’s SPF factor is vital, it’s not the only important thing you ought to consider. Beyond this, it’s also crucial that you evaluate its UVA rating; more specifically, that you ensure the cream’s UVA rating is 4 or 5 stars – any less and you simply can’t rely
on its resilience.

Thankfully, creams with strong UVA ratings aren’t difficult to find. Almost all of the biggest brands on today’s market, including Nivea for example, boast 5-star UVA-rated creams – if you do your homework, you can find the perfect cream for you.

5. Consider hats and T-shirts.
As children are particularly vulnerable to sun damage, consider having yours wear hats and t-shirts whilst they play in the water. This way, you won’t need to worry about them burning, especially in the areas which are most susceptible (their shoulders and hair line).

Enjoying the sun without encountering any damage is possible, even when you’re excitedly climbing water-based inflatables! You just need to understand how much sun cream you should be applying and how regularly you ought to be re-applying, whilst considering the components of the cream itself.

For more information about Aqua Splash, visit


nursery job

Does anyone want a job?!

By Education, Music and singing, Playing, Work employment
by Sally-Ann Potter
Potter’s House Preschool and Forest School

There was a time a few years ago when the hardest thing about recruiting new staff was sifting through the masses of CV’s emailed to me via Indeed. I’d advertise and within 24 hours I’d have 20-30 applicants and have to scan each application to find the basics I was looking for – it was almost a full-time job just to find someone who fitted the bill. High quality staff was easier when the pickings were strong. Recently though when I’ve lost valuable staff for various reasons, I’ve found recruiting harder than ever. I have had four applicants in a month, two of which didn’t show up to an interview. It’s disheartening.

But even I find myself curious about whether I still have the same drive and passion so I can only imagine many other people in our industry have similar thoughts and feelings. It is by far the most rewarding job I’ve ever done, but often it is thankless, exhausting and the cause of lots of anxiety.

I belong to a brilliant community of practitioners online on a Facebook page called Keeping Early Years Unique, which was set up by a true genius in our field Elaine Bennett. It’s where I go for advice, inspiration and answers and I took to this forum with my concerns over recruitment to see if others were having the same trouble.

The general consensus was ‘YES’. It seems that across the board people are struggling to employ new staff or even maintain staff that were once loyal and dedicated. I had a small idea of why this was happening – a minimum wage job that requires constant and consistent attention and returns very little in the way of perks unless you count the natural immunity to illnesses your body has developed from years of being licked and coughed on by toddlers. We really do seem to have cast iron constitutions, don’t we?

The passion has somewhat dispersed in the past few years with the pressures of maintaining standards during the pandemic while not being recognised for our efforts in helping keep the country going. So many practitioners were expected to work through the pandemic continuously putting themselves at risk with very little acknowledgment at all – expected to fund and provide their own PPE and with little regard to the heightened pressure they were under. It was always going to leave people feeling a little bit unhappy.

On top of that, the anxiety driven stress surrounding Ofsted inspections heightened when the new reforms came in. The feedback from many settings was that inspections didn’t go as well as usual and ratings were lower but staff felt like they had been working harder than ever. A quote from a nursery room leader said: “It was like when you’ve spent all day cleaning and keeping house for your family while working an eight hour day from home and home schooling your children, you’ve made a delicious meal that your toddler ate happily last week and instead he spits it all on the floor and screams that he wanted something else – except he doesn’t know what.”

Throughout the pandemic children’s development has suffered in ways we couldn’t have expected – their social communication being the biggest cause for concern but I’ve also noticed a rise in children as young as two years old suffering from intense anxiety but often without the ability to process why or the vocabulary to say how they’re feeling. This seems to be as a direct result of being born into a pandemic causing untold worry to mothers who had no support from professionals and isolation from family members. It was always going to affect children massively, we just didn’t necessarily predict it early enough. With all this added concern, the job takes on a brand new meaning, the workload/mental load triples and the wage remains minimum. I get it, I really do appreciate why so many people are saying they’d rather work in a supermarket for more money and less stress.

But hold on because on the flip side of all the negativity is opportunity. If there’s one thing we know as practitioners it is that we have the potential to make the world of difference to children all over the country – and we do. The child who can’t settle, the child who finds social situations overwhelming, the child who draws his feelings instead of using language, the child who hits out, the child who needs constant reassurance – they all still go to school confident, resilient, bright and brilliant little people – because we did our job and we did it well.

“Don’t be afraid to take on big challenges. They give the best rewards.” – Spencer Christensen.

Now, does anyone want a job because I’m still looking?

For more information please contact Sally-Ann at or call 07375 379148

outdoors in summer

Six fun outdoor activities

By environment, fun for children, Green, play, Playing

Summer is here and to make sure your family has months filled with laughter and excitement, you can easily plan adventures outdoors. This can be something as simple as a walk through your local park.

Here are some of the best ways to keep your little ones entertained in the great outdoors during the warmer months.

1. Craft and complete a nature spotting sheet
To educate your little ones about the beauty of nature, you can craft your own nature spotting sheets. The RSPB has created a spotting sheet for beautiful birds. If spotting blackbirds and magpies sounds exciting, this can be used as a template for your spotting sheet.

You could make your own sheet beyond spotting birds. This can include a range of flowers or plants, as well as butterflies and other insects. If your children enjoy arts and crafts, they will also have fun making these before going on the walk. So really, this is two activities rolled into one!

2. Build a fortress out of sticks and shrubs
Children love to play and be as imaginative as possible, so a few sticks and shrubs can be enough to entertain them for the whole afternoon. Depending on how many people you are with, you can even make rival fortresses and vote on which one is best.

The outdoors can be an unpredictable playground. Children will be using sticks and other natural materials from the ground, so these must be checked by an adult to ensure nobody gets a nasty splinter.

3. Have a scavenger hunt
What could be more exciting than a scavenger hunt? This is a great way to let children think imaginatively about the world around them. You could, for example, make a colour-coded sheet and let your little ones find items that match these. For example, set them off looking for green leaves, purple flowers, or brown sticks.

This can be a short activity, or it could last throughout the whole walk. We all know the British summer can be unpredictable. To make sure you’re ready for any weather, remember to pack a reliable girl’s or boy’s waterproof jacket. Then you can scavenge in the rain and sunshine.

4. Barks and crafts
There are lots of opportunities to be artistic in the outdoors. Tree-bark rubbing, for example, is a simple and easy way to create a masterpiece. This imprints the textures of the bark onto a piece of paper, which can be cut into a collage and displayed on the fridge.

This is the perfect activity to do on a walk. Rather than bringing a bag full of paints, all you will need is some paper and a soft crayon. Crayons are soft, so it is easier to print the woodland textures. Even better, you can use these prints to create a guide on the different species of trees in the park.

5. Collect wildflowers to press and cherish
Sprouting flowers are one of the best things about spring. Flowers are beautiful, but unfortunately, they don’t last forever. To make sure you can see these all year round, your whole family can collect wildflowers on your walk. These can range from daffodils to primroses – or whatever you can scavenge.

There are lots of ways to press wildflowers. The most child-friendly option would be to place the flower between the pages of a book. It can take up to three weeks for the wildflower to flatten completely, but this will be worth the wait.

6. Enjoy a delicious picnic as a family
Walking can be tiring, especially when you’re taking part in so many fun activities. So it’s always a good idea to bring a selection of snacks and drinks. A picnic in the park is a fun break for your little ones to recharge their batteries. But remember to bring a picnic blanket to sit on to avoid damp grass, or you might have to eat your treats in the trees!

These are some of the best ways to make a walk exciting. It’s always a good idea to spend time outdoors, especially during the warmer months. Which activity will you do first?

Article supplied by


Creating your baby’s first scrapbook

By fun for children, Playing

You’ve welcomed a new bundle of joy into the family, and you’re excited to create a lifetime of memories with them. You know you’ll never forget all of the firsts that are about to come, but your baby won’t remember them. You’re planning on creating a scrapbook to memorialise their first year of life so you can share it with them when they’re older. But where do you start?

Here, we have some top tips for putting together your baby’s first-year scrapbook.

Fill the pages with photos
Of course, when it comes to scrapbooks, photos are the first place to start. You’ll want to document how your tot has grown in their first year – because, believe us, they grow so fast! Whether you take photos on your smartphone or a professional camera, you can get them printed easily to stick in your scrapbook.

If you have family members or friends who’ve documented some special occasions, such as their first visit to see your new baby or a day out at the park, get them to send you their pictures. The more the merrier.

Save some scraps
The great thing about scrapbooks is that you can include different items. You’re not just limited to photos. Why not save some scraps from your little one’s first baby blanket, mittens, or hats? The different textures will not only make their scrapbook interesting but it offers a multimedia experience. They’ll love feeling how soft their first blanket was!

You could also include hand and footprints or even a lock of their hair to add some interest to their scrapbook. Putting in real scraps from their first items is also a great way for you to relive the joy of having a newborn. The colours, patterns, and texture of these items will transport you back to those joyful memories even as you create new ones with your child.

Order it by month
From the month they were born and the countless adorable photos of them when they’d barely opened their eyes to their first birthday, documenting the whole year will fill the scrapbook with all their firsts and some unforgettable moments.

If you order it by month, you can build the scrapbook as you go and even create themes. December can feature your baby in adorable Christmas-themed outfits and trips out to Christmas markets, bundled up in their baby blanket and woolly warmers. For Halloween, go with an orange and black theme and don’t forget to get some snaps of your baby in a pumpkin costume!

Give it a theme
Putting together this scrapbook is a great way of indulging in a crafty activity. Get your creative juices flowing and create a theme that you know you and your child will love. If you adore floral patterns, why not paint some or create some cut-outs for your little one’s scrapbook?

Equally, you could stick to a colour theme to create a cohesive and stunning scrapbook that you and your child will treasure forever.

You could even give it the same theme as their room, nursery, or favourite cuddly toy. We’ve seen people create a zoo-animal-themed book and a scrapbook with a bee theme.

Build their scrapbooks with them
A scrapbook of you and your children’s memories doesn’t have to stop at their first year. Keep it going beyond their first birthday to create a lifetime of memories. What’s more, when your tot gets old enough to get crafty, why not add to your scrapbook together? There’s no better way to bond and pass on your love of arts and crafts than to fill a memories scrapbook together.

As your child grows, they’ll be able to take the lead on designing the scrapbook. Perhaps you have a shared love of ladybirds, but they also love butterflies. Encourage them to create something that they’ll want to revisit time and time again as they grow up.

The memories you and your baby will create together will last a lifetime. Bring those memories to life by putting together a beautiful, crafty scrapbook filled to the brim with treasured moments. As they grow into a toddler and a child, get them involved in building out this scrapbook for the perfect bonding time.


Building confidence through adventurous play and outdoor learning

By children's health, environment, fun for children, Mental health, Playing
by Harriet Kelly
Head of Early Years at Rowan Preparatory School, Claygate, Surrey

“Over the last two decades, children have lost almost eight hours of free, unstructured, and spontaneous play a week.” (Elkind, 2008)

Play, particularly explorative play that encourages curiosity, has physical, social, cognitive and emotional benefits. When children are allowed to be adventurous, they develop the ability to manage risk, be resilient and to solve problems. They develop a strong sense of self-belief in their own decision making and build the fine and gross motor skills essential for later life.

Preschools that prioritise physical development have the understanding that it is crucial for children to be in an environment that enables the enhancement of the foundation skills needed to begin their school journey. They will provide children with endless opportunities to develop and enhance both their gross and fine motor skills. High quality gross motor provision could include activities such as soft play, trampolining, crawling through tunnels, balancing on benches, playing on a seesaw, balancing on balance bikes, cycling, climbing on logs, swinging, rolling tyres, travelling up and down hills, mixing in mud kitchens, transporting larger buckets of water, sweeping and building with heavier wooden bricks. These should all be appreciated and valued in the early years and beyond.

girl-tyreSimple activities such as tree climbing and den building are rich in learning opportunities and should not be underestimated. When climbing a tree, children should be encouraged to consider their physical space, where their feet need to be placed, whether they feel comfortable and how high they think they should climb in order to stay safe. Parents should always be there to supervise but should contemplate the level of support given in order to develop their child’s own risk awareness and physical resilience. The simple act of climbing trees builds upper body strength, core stability and balance which are all gross motor skills which support progress in writing and Reception readiness.

At our preschool, children enjoy a wide range of indoor and outdoor physical activities. Play-based learning encourages them to make decisions and take risks; we see their sense of self-belief and confidence grow as they are provided these opportunities within a safe and supported environment. Learning outside the classroom is encouraged throughout the day, with regular visits to Forest School, and outdoor classroom space.

Developing gross motor control is not the only early physical skill that supports writing development. Writing requires children to control both sides of their bodies, so opportunities for bilateral movements, such as kicking a ball, where children have to cross over the mid-line of their bodies, are of great benefit. If you are waiting in a queue why not set your child a challenge? Can they lift their knee and tap their right hand to left knee and then swap?

Building fine motor control and dexterity are other early development goals that are vital for a smooth transition into Reception. Excellent early years providers will give opportunities to turn keys in locks, pop bubble wrap, build towers, use tweezers and chopsticks, use cooking utensils, do up zips and buttons, isolate fingers when playing in foam or flour, play with putty, mark make while laying on their front and mark make using chalk, pens, crayons, paint or pencils. Playing games that encourage finger isolation can help to develop the ‘dynamic tripod grasp’ where the writing tool is held between the thumb and the index and middle fingers. This should be developed between the ages of three and four years. Another quick activity is to hold up a number of fingers behind your back and ask your child to show on their hand how many fingers you are holding up, to keep their interest you can swap roles and do the guessing yourself. Singing nursery rhymes such as ‘Tommy Finger’ also encourages finger isolation and dexterity.

girls-tyresThere is so much more to writing than tracing and forming letters. The simple act of taking your child to the woods gives them the chance to explore, climb trees, collect leaves and acorns, swing from branches, carry and roll logs and dig. These simple activities can all contribute to your child’s ability to be able to physically write when they enter their Reception year. Why not enhance your trip to the woods by taking some potato peelers and whittling freshly cut branches? A simple activity that teaches perseverance and concentration, requires force and control and uses both sides of the body, supporting progression in writing without actually writing.

The confidence that stems from adventurous activities is second to none. There is a certain sparkle of pride in children’s eyes when they climb high up in the tree; or remove all of the bark when whittling, or build a den, or roll a log and dig down deep to find a worm. These simple, sustainable, unstructured play activities should not be lost as adventure is a vital part of early childhood and is integral to developing early literacy skills such as writing.

Rowan Preparatory School in Claygate, Surrey, welcomes parents who would like to see how adventurous play and outdoor learning are enabling confident young learners.

Visit to discover more about their Preschool and Early Year provision and to arrange a visit.

Sports is so much more than just sports

By Education, fun for children, Mental health, Playing, Sport
by Jenny Spires
Brighton Girls

As we emerge from the pandemic, the focus in schools is very much on providing children with as many opportunities to play the sports they have missed out on and rekindle social skills and friendships that may have waned during lockdown.

Sounds fun, right? Well, yes, but it’s so much more than that – encouraging pupils to participate in sport is now known to play a crucial role in building a child’s confidence and emboldening them to be risk-takers, which underpins all that they do now and in later life.

Many studies have shown solid links between sport participation and the development of strong self-esteem and self-belief. An analysis in The Sport Journal, a peer-reviewed title published by the US Sports Academy, showed that taking part in sport before university was directly related to higher self-esteem and these findings are echoed across the world in various research projects that show a relationship between sport and better wellbeing, happiness and lower anxiety levels.

So, let’s break that down. What is it about participation in both individual and team sports that fosters this personal development?

Handling mistakes
No one gets good at a skill or sport without making a lot of mistakes along the way. A child quickly learns that mis-steps and hurdles are a vital part of their journey to becoming a better footballer, tennis player, swimmer, runner, cyclist or anything else – and realises that nothing terrible happens when they make those mistakes. This flowering of a resilient attitude and an acceptance that mistakes don’t equal failure is a hugely important life skill which leads to bolder risk-taking (and potentially greater rewards) in life. Making mistakes and having the self-esteem to know that those mistakes are not a reflection on your ability but simply a necessary experience on your journey is a priceless attribute.

Dealing with stress Children have faced more stress than we could have ever imagined in the last year or so and have had to find ways of coping with it. We know that the demands of playing for a team or striving for personal success in an individual sport require channeling all your thoughts and energies into the moment which frees the mind temporarily from ongoing stress. To develop the ability to switch off daily concerns and focus on your sport teaches the mind that this is possible, that you can control your stress levels and put them aside.

Understanding the link between practise and success
Children sometimes need reminding that success is, of course, related to effort and sports and skill-building are constant reminders of this. As children continue to commit to turning up for team practice, going out in the rain to try and beat their PB or heading off down the skatepark again to perfect that ollie, the realisation solidifies that they and they alone control their chances of success. When they see improvement, they know it was brought about by their own hard work. That knowledge brings confidence in their own ability every time they turn out to play.

This applies to the rest of their lives outside of sport. When you have self-confidence based on hard work, even when you don’t succeed, you can keep morale high. You understand the causal link between your ability to put work in and improve.

Unlike a child’s handpicked friendships group, a sports team is made up of all sorts of different characters who your child may not have naturally befriended. Yet, sharing a common goal (to get better and win) unites those children and social skills are forged. This ability to rub along with everyone is a wonderful confidence builder (“if I can do it in sport, I can do it everywhere else in my life too.”)

Winning and losing and a healthy mindset
Great sportsmen and women have learnt how to avoid their self-esteem being dented by losing. It isn’t easy to do this as often confidence takes a knock after below-par performances. But being surrounded by like-minded players and coaches who offer continued support and encouragement really helps and drives players of all ages to improve and keep trying. They learn that losing is only a driver to keep going and strive for better – and what better life lesson could any child learn?

For more information, visit