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money makes the world go round

Money makes the world go round

By family, Finance, numeracy skills

We all understand the importance of teaching our children timeless life lessons, such as using good manners and being kind to others. However, one important lesson many of us tend to overlook is teaching our children about the value of money.

The truth is, less than half of children in the UK receive meaningful financial education, whether at home or in school.

Mindy Paul, a wealth accumulation mentor known as the “$100 Million Dollar Coach,” explains below why this is so crucial.

Our relationship with money starts in early childhood. Giving children a proper education about money helps them develop healthy financial habits, make smarter decisions, and set themselves up for a successful future, which is something every parent wants for their child.

Struggling to tackle this tricky topic? Mindy shares some simple, powerful tips for teaching children about money. Here’s what he recommends:
Teach earning
As a parent, it’s easy to be tempted to spoil them rotten. That said, there’s a lot to be said about teaching your child the value of entrepreneurship.

Growing up, I pursued various forms of entrepreneurship, from valeting cars to selling sweets at school.

While I wouldn’t recommend children follow in my footsteps on the latter, not handing them everything on a plate and encouraging them to earn their own money sets them up for success.

If there’s a treat your child wants, trade them the money to buy it with some small, age-appropriate jobs or tasks. This teaches them the relationship between income and effort, and gives them a better understanding of the value of money.

It also introduces the concept of delayed gratification, showing them how to be patient and plan toward their goals.

Encourage collaborative thinking
Children are brimming with ideas and seem to have a new future career on the cards every week.

When your child is talking about their ideas, for instance, their plans of starting a bake sale or selling their crafts, encourage them to enlist the help of their friends.

Encouraging teamwork helps them see the value of diverse talents and working as a team. For instance, one child may be great at baking, while another is skilled at decorating the stall or spreading the word to friends and family.

Teach them that collaboration can multiply their efforts. As one person, you may be able to make a good amount of money. However, if there are others with different skill sets to your own around you, you have the potential to grow even further.

Lead by example
If you’re sheepish and elusive when discussing money with your child, this enforces the notion that money is something that shouldn’t be talked about.

The fact is, money isn’t something to be ashamed of. We should be able to openly talk about money and treat it as a practical and essential part of life.

So, lead by example. Have age-appropriate conversations with them about household bills, work, savings and other money-related subjects. Let them see how you manage your money responsibly.

Show them how you budget for essentials, save for the future, and even treat yourself occasionally. This transparency puts them in great stead for years to come.

Simplify savings and investments
Many of us struggle to wrap our heads around the likes of investments now, but think about how much further ahead you’d be if you were taught from a young age?

The concepts of savings and investments can be simplified. For instance, you can say things like, “You can have one toy now, or two if you put the money away until later.” This introduces them to the idea of making choices that benefit their future.

You could also encourage them to use jars labelled ‘Spend’, ‘Save’ and ‘Share’, to help them allocate their money wisely and consider short-term, long-term, and charitable aspirations.

Introduce the idea of charity
It’s all good and well teaching your children to be responsible with money, but it’s equally important to teach them the value of sharing with others.

Encouraging them to donate to charity, for instance by dedicating their spare change to placing in charity collection boxes, fosters empathy. It also can teach them valuable life skills such as leadership, resilience, social responsibility, and problem-solving. By helping others, they also learn the satisfaction and pride that comes from giving back to their community.

For further information please visit

confident child

Five ways to support your dyslexic child

By Education, numeracy skills, reading, special educational needs
by Kate Griggs
founder and CEO of Made By Dyslexia

One in five people are dyslexic. It’s the most common neurodiversity and learning difference, and can be identified as early as preschool, though research suggests that as many as 80% leave school without knowing they’re dyslexic.

Dyslexic brains literally think differently to others, and that’s a good thing! After all, some of the world’s greatest changemakers have been Dyslexic Thinkers, from Thomas Edison inventing the light bulb to Steve Jobs creating the iPhone. Seeing things differently has helped dyslexics to invent things we can’t live without, imagine what others couldn’t see and solve problems that others weren’t able to crack.

Dyslexic Thinkers have incredible strengths in creativity, problem-solving and communication skills. Sadly, traditional benchmarking in schools means exams can’t always measure the valuable Dyslexic Thinking skills that dyslexic children have.

When I was nine years old, my life was transformed when a teacher saw past my test scores and recognised my Dyslexic Thinking skills. These skills are the very things that help me succeed in my role today, and I use them every day to do something that I absolutely love.

I have seen the same ‘success formula’ in thousands of dyslexic people, young and old.

It’s the formula I encouraged with my own children, which has led them into fulfilling careers too.

Here are five things every parent can do to support your child with dyslexia:
1. Spot their strengths
If you’re a parent of a dyslexic child, the most transformative thing you can do is to help them spot their dyslexic strengths, instead of being defined by their challenges. Focusing on things they are naturally good at, instead of what they find tricky, leads Dyslexic Thinkers into jobs they love and lives that are fulfilling.

Dyslexics excel in the subjects they love because they tap into their Dyslexic Thinking skills, such as creativity, exploring and questioning (often performing much better than their peers), but they may struggle to grasp other skills their peers find easy (organisation, spelling, punctuation and grammar).

Often in dyslexic children there is a mismatch in what they seem capable of and the written work they produce. On paper they might have a hard time articulating and organising their ideas but when you ask them to verbalise what they’re thinking they blow you away by the richness of their vocabulary and the complexity of their ideas.

2. Build their self-esteem
Spotting Dyslexic Thinking and focusing on someone’s strengths is key to building self-esteem. Because otherwise, they lose confidence in themselves and their ability to learn. There is a real danger that when children find things challenging that their friends find easy, they lose heart and mistakenly believe they are less able or less intelligent than their peers (when neither is the case). Dyslexic Thinking is a valuable sought after skill, so every dyslexic should be encouraged to be proud of how they think.

3. Support them with positive praise
Research suggests that we are most motivated to improve when we hear negative and positive comments in a ratio of 1:5. That’s five pieces of praise for every one negative comment. It’s true in teaching and it’s true in relationships and workplaces. Positive praise is vital for dyslexic children. And even if certain things are challenging, each small win should be celebrated. It’s vital to acknowledge and highlight Dyslexic Thinking skills in every dyslexic child, so these children can experience the success they deserve.

4. Empower them
Not only is focusing on Dyslexic Thinking skills crucial to building positive self-esteem but it will help us find the careers that we’ll be successful at and feel fulfilled in. For instance, young vegan chef, CBBC presenter and YouTube star Omari McQueen found that school and his extraordinary dyslexic mind didn’t quite fit. But then he discovered his passion for cooking. Now, he runs his own vegan dip company, presents a CBBC TV cookery show, hosts his own YouTube channel and has written a cookbook. Proving, of course, that when dyslexic children are empowered to find and focus on their Dyslexic Thinking skills, they are truly unstoppable.

5. Trust your gut
You know your child better than anyone, so trust your gut when asking for help. Most teachers aren’t trained, and many schools don’t like to label. Be persistent. Identification of dyslexia, even if it’s via a screener, not a formal assessment, is life changing for dyslexic children as it gives a reason for their struggles and strengths. The label is a good thing. Dyslexia is a superpower! The most important thing is to help them find what they’re good at – and do lots of it. By focusing on their dyslexic strengths, they can and will go far.

Kate Griggs is a Dyslexic Thinking expert, founder and CEO of the global charity Made By Dyslexia, host of the Lessons in Dyslexic Thinking podcast and the author of Xtraordinary People (a book for young xtraordinary people made by dyslexiathis is dyslexiaDyslexic Thinkers) and This is Dyslexia (a book for adult Dyslexic Thinkers) – a new and revised edition was published in October 2024.

maths anxiety

Maths anxiety

By numeracy skills, special educational needs
by Anna Dalglish
Kumon Guildford North Study Centre

Many children develop a fear of maths which can affect their performance in carrying out mathematical tasks, particularly in test conditions, and which can go on to affect their adult lives and careers.

Solving mathematical problems requires students to use working memory, but stress and anxiety occupy the working memory with anxious thoughts, preventing the student from concentrating upon the problem at hand. A vicious cycle leads the student to avoid maths tasks, consequently falling further behind in their understanding, which in turn increases their anxiety.

What can we do to help our children avoid or overcome maths anxiety?
Here are ten tips:

1. Help your child develop a positive attitude to maths from a young age. This will build motivation, confidence and a ‘can-do’ attitude. Children learn from their parents, and so we should aim to model a positive attitude about maths. Try not to say, “I’m terrible at maths” (even if it is true). Focus instead on positive achievements from your own experience – “I used to find the 9 times table difficult but then I worked out a way to remember it”.

2. Make maths fun by playing games involving numbers – card games, Monopoly, any game which uses dice, playing shops and counting out the correct money, magnetic number boards, joining the dots, counting together up to and over 100, baking together (measuring out the ingredients), counting the ducks in the pond, and so on. Even with older children you can make a game out of maths. A long car journey with the family is a chance for healthy competition between siblings and parents! How quickly can you answer 3 x 8, 7 x 6? Who can recite the 7 times table backwards (from 10 x 7 down to 1 x 7)? What is the square root of 64?

3. Negative criticism and unrealistic expectations increase anxiety. Concentrate on the process rather than the result, praising your children for the effort they put into their work rather than the scores they achieve. Always seek something positive to praise, even if a child scores poorly in a maths task – “Well done for concentrating really hard on your work today” or “You did really well to keep going despite finding it difficult.” After praising achievements, suggest one more ‘can-do’ for your child to work on next.

4. Encourage a ‘growth mindset’ in your child – the belief that talent and ability are not innate or static but can be developed through effort, learning and persistence. This enables children to face challenges with confidence that they can be overcome. Intrinsic elements of the growth mindset include perseverance, and viewing mistakes as learning opportunities rather than failures.

5. Avoid stereotyping. Research shows that girls suffer maths anxiety more than boys. A possible reason being unhelpful cultural stereotypes regarding maths ability such as the belief that ‘boys are good at maths’ or that ‘maths is for Geeks’. Encourage your children from a young age not to make stereo-typical assumptions about the innate ability of boys and girls.

6. Encourage your child to take ownership of their learning and to develop an independent approach to learning. Anxiety can be increased by a feeling of lack of control over circumstances. Giving your child control over their learning (with appropriate support and guidance) can boost their confidence in their own ability to tackle difficulties. Even as young as three or four years old, something as simple as allowing your child to turn their own pages in a book is the beginning of independence.

7. Enable your child to become their own teacher, not dependent on others – instead of giving them answers, guide them towards answers and show them how, using the knowledge they already have, they can use various techniques to answer questions.

8. Mastery – maths anxiety can arise because a student has moved on too quickly before fully mastering a topic, such as number bonds or multiplication, both of which are essential foundations for more advanced topics. Sufficient practise is essential and children should not try to run before they can walk. If necessary, go back to basics and help your child fill in any gaps in their understanding.

9. Everyday familiarity with numbers and maths helps to reduce anxiety. A regular daily study habit of just five or 10 minutes a day is a good habit to develop at any age and will enable children to practise and embed basic concepts such as number bonds and times tables, thus freeing up their working memory for more challenging tasks as they progress to more advanced maths topics.

10. Find a method of learning or tuition that is tailored to your child. Every child is different and needs an approach that works for their particular needs and abilities.

Anna Dalglish is the Maths and English Instructor at the Kumon Guildford North Study Centre, one of over 600 Kumon Study Centres nationwide. For further information please visit


make maths fun for children

Incorporate maths into playtime

By Education, fun for children, numeracy skills, play
by Lucy Alexandra Spencer
Tutoring and Alternative Provision Director at Education Boutique,
part of the Eteach Group

When we incorporate maths into play, we create curious problem-solving thinkers who are ready to explore the world.

Incorporating maths into play is a well-evidenced catalyst for developing capable mathematicians, who are comfortable using maths skills in their everyday lives. The National Numeracy Organisation reports that half of the working-age adults in the UK have a numeracy level below the expected abilities for an 11 year old. It’s therefore vital that educators and parents work together to find ways to link maths to enjoyable everyday life events, in order for children to build a positive relationship with the subject and reduce the chance of developing maths-based anxieties and low self-esteem.

The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework sets the standard for providing early play-based maths experiences. It is supported by a report from the Education Endowment Foundation which found that play-based learning can be particularly effective at raising attainment in learners from disadvantaged backgrounds.

So, drawing on the evidence of the benefits, what can busy parents do to easily incorporate maths into play and everyday life routines?

Empowering every home to have a maths role model
By showing enthusiasm for maths and demonstrating resilience to problem-solving, parents can shape a child’s mindset for life. You don’t need to be ‘good’ at maths to be a positive role model. Even if you have had a rocky road with the subject yourself, now is a great time to draw a line in the sand and embrace the opportunities to form a collaborative partnership with your child. Together, you can help them to have fun and explore the wonderful world of numbers, shapes and statistics.

Don’t label the practise
Being ‘good’ at maths is so much more than buying your child every workbook on the internet or learning times tables. Don’t feel like you have to give maths at home a label, especially with younger children. What sounds more appealing to you – “Let’s do 20 minutes of maths” or “Let’s investigate the different quantities of ingredients needed to make the perfect banana smoothie?”

Learning through doing, will help a child develop many skills that link to a range of subjects, reaching much further than just the maths curriculum.

Utilising time efficiently
When your child has number facts or times tables to memorise, you can buy yourself some neon chalk pens and write the information on the bathroom mirror, for example. This means your child will be looking at and thinking about the content regularly, sometimes without being cognisant of the fact they are absorbing information. It’s an excellent routine to establish.

Additionally, creating a car journey routine where iPad maths apps, such as ‘Hit the Button’, ‘Prodigy Maths’ and others could be incorporated can work well. Don’t worry if your car journeys are device-free zones, play some of these great car journey maths games:
• Number plate maths
Make the largest or smallest number out of the numbers on passing registration plates.
• Guess the number
One player thinks of a number and the others in the car ask numeral questions to guess what it is.
• Number tennis
Choose a rule such as ‘add seven’ and go around the players in the car until someone gets out.
• Rule master
Count from one upwards and every time you get to a multiple of 10, create a new rule such as ‘clap instead of saying 10’.

Here are some of my other top tips for integrating maths into play:
• Cooking
The kitchen is a great place to incorporate numbers. Asking children questions such as: “How can we double this recipe?”, “What can we do if this ingredient is missing?” or “Can we cook it at double the heat for half the time?” are exciting ways for them to engage in maths.
• Shopping lists
Giving your child agency over shopping lists by using online supermarkets is another good way to incorporate maths. For example, you can challenge them to find where they can get items for the best price and ask them to organise the weekly shop while not exceeding a certain budget.
• Games
Gamifying maths is often talked about, but some of these may exist in your house already! Dust off Monopoly, a Lego set or try orienteering and geocaching on a sunny day.
• Collecting data
It can be helpful to consider how you can involve your child in collecting data. Family decisions such as holidays or meals can be a great opportunity to do this and for them to present their results.
• Sports
Dart boards can be an excellent resource to learn how to read the minute hand of the clock. Create a clock dart board and when you throw a dart read the minute hand value. How about quick mental calculations with three darts? The possibilities are endless!
• Music
The rhythm and beat of the music is an exciting way to incorporate counting. Games which involve counting in numbers in time to the beat of the music, for example, can work well, as well as counting how many times a certain word is repeated. Investigating speeding up and slowing down as well as recording audio messages may also capture your child’s interest.

Lucy supports children with emotional-based school non-attendance and helps families access LA funding, offering tutoring for children with additional needs.

early years play

The importance of early years play

By children's health, Education, fun for children, numeracy skills, Playing, reading, Relationships
by Jasmine Holbrook
Imogen Ruby

Playing underpins all aspects of a child’s development and keeps infants active and happy. Through play, children develop their language, emotional, social and motor skills, as well as their creativity, problem solving abilities and imagination. Alongside the benefits for your little one, playing together with your child can strengthen your bond and allow you to join their world. Play develops through a series of commonly observed stages and by altering your play style and the toys offered throughout these stages, you can continue to support and encourage this development.

Play can begin right from birth. Those early movements of a baby’s arms and legs that seemingly have no purpose are actually helping them to learn to move and you can join in by gently encouraging movement. This could be through baby massage, swimming or laying your baby on your chest, tummy to tummy, a great opportunity for eye contact and kisses.

Babies love interaction with another human face, allowing your little one to study your facial expressions. Talking and singing can make this fun for both of you. Tummy time will strengthen their arms and necks and help prepare them for crawling. Using high contrast flash cards and toys, as well as baby safe mirrors, will continue to develop these skills, as well as their visual and brain development and encourage them to continue learning about the world around them.

As a baby begins to move and explore their world further, they are able to engage with toys in a different way and will start to play alone, showing not much interest in other children’s play but developing an increasing focus on what they themselves are doing. Warm interactions from the adults around them, playing alongside whilst still allowing space to enjoy some independence will enhance their understanding and enjoyment. Board books, rattles and sensory toys such as ribbon rings and musical shakers are all great choices for this stage of development.

Commonly, around two years of age children become more curious about what other children are doing, observing without joining in. As your child begins to observe other children playing, you may feel that you want to encourage them to join in but there is no need. This stage is important for children to learn about social cues and to understand the behaviour and rules within social play. Their vocabulary continues to develop rapidly, with discussions about what they are seeing.

Children at this stage will benefit from opportunities to be around other children, but will very much enjoy activities with you such as singing, story telling, early role-play toys and of course, outdoor and indoor physical play.

Social skills continue to develop as children begin to learn to share toys and copy activities, whilst still playing alongside each other without much involvement. Age appropriate toys that can easily be shared and interacted with are important, for example wooden animals, vehicles, chunky puzzles and building blocks.

Children will become more interested in playing with others, in talking and engaging and this develops their problem solving skills as well as their co-operation as they begin to navigate a shared space. During this stage, play is not very organised or focused but they are learning teamwork and communication skills as well as beginning to recognise other children’s boundaries. The best way to encourage this type of play is by creating shared spaces with similar toys, such as several dolls in a shared dolls house, a variety of vehicles on a play road map, or a mixture of animals or dinosaurs within a woodland themed playzone.

Co-operative play is the last stage of play and is vital for social and group interaction. This usually begins around the age of four and continues throughout childhood, bringing together all the skills already learned. This is where imaginative play becomes a key focus of a child’s play as they take on different roles within their imagination. You can encourage and enhance this stage of play in so many ways; for example, playing shops with a shopkeeper and a customer, playing kitchens and tea parties, directing ‘traffic’ in the garden, dressing up, the possibilities are endless.

Playing with your little one can create deeper connections and stronger emotional bonds as well as foster trust and open communication between you. It provides valuable insight into your child’s development and interests, and allows you to better understand their world. Through shared play, you can create treasured moments, enhance your own stress relief and boost your overall wellbeing – there are benefits of play for all of us!

Imogen Ruby has sustainability at its heart; through our organic clothing choices, environmentally conscious toys and passion for reusable cloth nappies.

mindfulness, primary to secondary school change

Navigating the transition

By Education, numeracy skills, reading, Relationships, Special support needs
by Mrs Sarah Bakhtiari
Principal of Shoreham College

As a headteacher I have witnessed countless children embark on the exciting journey from primary to secondary education. This pivotal moment can be both exhilarating and daunting, not only for the children but also for their parents. In this article, I aim to shed light on this significant transition, emphasising the importance of collaboration between parents and schools, and offering guidance on how to navigate this new chapter with the aim of making it the best it can be for the young person.

Parents: The experts in their child
Parents, you are the experts when it comes to understanding your child. You have nurtured them, watched them grow and know their strengths and areas for development better than anyone else. As your child embarks on this new adventure, remember that your insights and observations are invaluable. Share your knowledge with their new school, as it will help create a holistic understanding of your child’s abilities and needs.

Schools: The experts in education
Schools, on the other hand, are the experts in education. We have dedicated our lives to understanding how children learn, grow and thrive academically and socially. Trust that we will provide the necessary support and guidance to ensure a smooth transition for your child. By working together, we can create an environment that nurtures their potential and fosters their personal growth.

Listening to each other
It is essential to recognise that children can present differently at home and at school. They may exhibit behaviours or emotions that are unfamiliar to you, as they navigate this new environment. It is crucial for both parents and schools to listen to each other, sharing observations and insights to gain a comprehensive understanding of the child’s experiences. By doing so, we can collaborate effectively and provide the best possible support for your child’s development.

The emotional roller coaster
It is natural to feel a mix of emotions as your child moves to secondary school. However, it is important not to let these emotions overwhelm you or your child. Getting on an emotional roller coaster with your child can hinder their ability to adapt and thrive in their new environment. Instead, focus on maintaining a positive outlook, offering reassurance, and celebrating their achievements along the way. Your calm and uplifting presence will provide the stability and confidence your child needs during this transition.

Embracing the journey
Moving from primary to secondary school is a significant milestone in your child’s life. It is a time of growth, self-discovery and new opportunities. Encourage your child to embrace this journey with an open mind and a positive attitude. Remind them that they are capable, resilient and ready to take on new challenges. Encourage them to make new friends, explore new interests and seek support when needed. By doing so, they will develop the skills and confidence necessary to thrive in their secondary school years.

The transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting and transformative period for both children and parents. By recognising that parents are the experts in their child and schools are the experts in education, we can create a true partnership that supports the child’s holistic development. Remember to listen to each other, celebrate achievements and maintain an open and honest dialogue. As a partnership, we are best placed to ensure that this transition is a warm, friendly and uplifting experience for all involved.

Please call 01273 592681 to find out more about what Shoreham College can offer you, or to arrange a personal visit at any time of the school year.

Finding the joy in numbers

By Education, fun for children, numeracy skills
by Junaid Mubeen
mathematician turned educator

The prospect of helping children with maths is daunting for some parents. Many may have struggled with the subject at school and, with a fifth of adults in the UK afflicted with ‘maths anxiety’, it’s not always obvious how to provide encouragement and support for our little ones.

Recent research commissioned by non-profit, Teach Your Monster, found that 72% identify maths as the most important subject for their child. In contrast to Rishi Sunak’s quest to make children continue to study maths until they are 18, 67% of parents believe the focus should be on helping younger learners to get to grips with the subject. As both a mathematician and parent, I wholeheartedly agree. If we can embed core maths skills – and a love of the subject – from a young age, then we will set them up for success in the subject for the rest of their lives.

The survey also revealed that 40% of parents find maths intimidating. Sadly, our own attitudes can filter down – when we say things like “I can’t do maths” (which we do not say for any other subject), children readily adopt the same beliefs about themselves. But there is a flipside: by adopting a more positive approach towards maths, we can ensure that children develop a love of the subject.

The good news is that our relationship with maths is never beyond repair. There is nothing to fear when it comes to numbers. Memorising times tables and performing calculations at speed – these elements of the subject, which fill so many people with dread and anxiety – are only a tiny part of what maths has to offer. At its core, maths is about playing with ideas, exploring the patterns inherent in them, and making new discoveries. It promises the same thrill that comes from solving a jigsaw and seeing how all the ‘pieces’ fit together.

A numerical exploration
Take 24 counters (or M&Ms, if you can resist the urge of eating them) and arrange them into a rectangle. Here is one way – how many more can you come up with?

What you’re actually doing here is working out the factors of 24 – the numbers that divide into it (the rectangle above is 4 by 6, so these are both factors are 24). But you’ve done so in a tactile way that strengthens your ‘feel’ for numbers. You may also have confronted some interesting questions along the way – for instance, is the following rectangle the same or different to the one above (it’s debatable!)?

We can keep exploring: what happens when we remove a counter (or succumb to eating an M&M)? We have 23 left, and it seems we can’t make any rectangles except the longest ones, 23×1 and 1×23.

This is an example of a prime number, and you now have a good visual sense of the indivisibility that makes these numbers so intriguing. Notice how play is at the heart of this type of learning. We are connecting several different ideas – numbers as shapes, for instance – that deepen our understanding of these concepts.

There are lots of ways to explore concepts in this playful way from a young age. With the right resources, maths can be made far more creative and fun than parents may have experienced in school.

Free online games like Teach Your Monster Number Skills, which is a major hit with my four year old daughter Leena, are designed to help young children master core number skills in a way that is fun. It teaches essential concepts like number bonds and addition/subtraction using compelling visuals and game-based activities. Each number is brought to life through a range of representations – I can see Leena developing an intimate relationship with numbers as she learns to recognise them in different contexts.

As a mathematician I see the learning shine through; the game provides a secure foundation in maths that will have a lasting impact. And as a parent I can see how much fun my child is having – she can’t get enough of the game!

Crucially, Teach Your Monster Number Skills is designed with parents in mind – parents can play along too and discover that maths can be fun (they can also take a step back – everything is flexible). Instead of the fear and dread that often surrounds maths, parents can look forward to playing the game with their child, and seeing how, when taught the right way, maths is for everyone.

It’s never too late to develop healthy attitudes towards maths. When we say we can do maths and that we are maths people, we send a profound message to children that they too can develop mastery of the subject.

Junaid Mubeen is a mathematician turned educator, series winner of Countdown, author of Mathematical Intelligence (, and expert advisor to to non-profit children’s online game, Teach Your Monster Number Skills

kids learning

Why send your child to preschool?

By Education, numeracy skills, reading, Relationships

by Marsha Dann
Lead Teacher, Play B C Preschool

A quality preschool, where there are well-qualified and experienced practitioners who give high priority to interacting with children and observing them closely in order to chart their development, responding to their needs and confirming and extending their learning, will enhance your child’s potential and give them an early advantage.

Supporting early childhood development
The Early Years are a crucial time in your child’s development. Scientists tell us that the brain develops rapidly in the first three years gaining up to 90% of its final mass and although the brain continues to develop into adolescence the best time for shaping brains is in the Early Years.

What your child learns in the Early Years is just as important as what they will learn in later years. Perhaps even more so because a good learning environment now can have a positive impact upon social, educational and behavioural outcomes that will last throughout their school years. Choosing a high quality preschool for your child can make a real difference to their future.

Building relationships
Look for a setting which focuses upon relationships rather than resources. The importance of relationships cannot be overemphasised. Attachment theory suggests that humans are born needing relationships with others. Secure attachments lead to independence and well-developed social skills. Social interaction helps to develop the brain and capacity for learning. A good preschool will value social development as highly as intellectual development. Positive relationships formed with caregivers, help develop a sense of security and provide a safe and secure base from which to explore the world.

The key person system helps children to feel valued and cared about by someone in particular while they are at preschool. It allows them to have someone, as developmental psychologist Bronfenbrenner puts it, who is ‘crazy’ about them. It has been acknowledged that people working in Early Years develop strong feelings for the children they care for and my opinion that is as it should be. Your chosen preschool’s team cannot be the same as family, but should come close.

Play based learning
It is widely agreed, that children learn best through play. Childhood pioneers, such as Froebel and Montessori, identified play as being central to early learning. However, free play does not always move learning on, and a balance needs to be struck between spontaneous and structured play and also between child-initiated and adult-initiated learning experiences. Close observation of your child by practitioners will support development and help in planning developmentally appropriate, yet challenging, learning opportunities.

Narrowing the word gap
‘Reading and writing float on a sea of talk’. Lots of warm loving interactions and ‘serve and turn’ conversations with adults and peers will help to build vocabulary. Daily opportunities for songs, stories and rich structured talk at preschool will have a positive impact upon educational attainment and future life chances.

What does a quality preschool look like?
Educationalists identify two main aspects of quality in Early Years’ provision. The first aspect, which relates to processes, has the greatest impact upon outcomes. It is to do with adult interaction, responsiveness and appropriateness of activities. The second aspect, which relates to structure, has less of a direct impact upon outcomes but is important because it influences the processes identified above. It is to do with ratios and qualifications. Research shows that a well-qualified team is important and children make even more progress where a trained teacher is present.

Research evidence shows that quality preschool provision has a significant and lasting effect on educational, social and behavioural outcomes. Sending your child to preschool will get their education off to the best start.

Teacher-led Play B C in the Wallington and Carshalton area offers fun, yet challenging early education. More than just a place, at Play B C every day is a learning adventure. Contact to arrange a visit.



family finance early

Five things to tell your child about the cost of living

By family, Finance, numeracy skills, Relationships

by Brean Horne, a personal finance expert at NerdWallet

As the rising cost of living continues to stretch budgets with little signs of slowing down, it can be an extremely worrying time for many people. This is especially true for families and can create questions that are difficult for parents to answer. Parents should be setting time aside to engage in conversations with their children about the cost of living crisis in order to lessen their concerns. Below, Brean discusses how parents can tackle the topic of money when talking to children, and stay realistic about any financial sacrifices that may be needed.

Strike the balance
Honesty is always the best policy, and while ensuring your child is aware of the realities of the rising cost of living is important, it is also crucial to avoid unnecessary panic or worry, and strike the right balance between explaining the seriousness of the situation with not alarming them.

At the moment, while it is not necessary for a child to be too concerned about the intricate details of budgeting and saving, it’s a good idea to make your child aware of the increase in the cost of heating, petrol, groceries, and other essential items.

Be clear with children if the current climate means you have to cut back on some of their favourite brands at the supermarket, or if you need to take them to more budget-friendly clothing stores to pick out new items. Reassure – but don’t promise – them this should
only be temporary and help them to understand how important it is to appreciate all that they do still have, rather than what they don’t.

Be realistic
In the lead-up to the Christmas period, many children may start sharing ideas with their parents of the gifts they want to see sitting under their tree come 25th December. However, this year many may struggle to create a similar festive experience for their own families whilst dealing with ongoing financial pressures.

In order to still create a fun and memorable Christmas for your children, it’s wise to prepare them sooner rather than later that certain sacrifices need to be made if they want certain Christmas presents or experiences, such as swapping pricey weekend activities like cinema trips for a day exploring local walks or visiting a local free-entry museum. Not only will this hopefully help children to realise that parents don’t have access to unlimited wealth to treat them with, it should also emphasise the magic of Christmas and how lucky they are to have a family willing to cut back so they don’t go without.

Be wary of shock value
More often than not, children will consume a lot of information from their peers or from unsourced articles shared to social media platforms written to shock and generate headlines. Both of these are notorious for exaggerating or expanding on the facts of a story or subject, and should not be the way a child is gaining knowledge of the current crisis.

Depending on their age, sit your child down for a frank and honest conversation on the issues that are most concerning to them, and try your best to reduce any panic or worry that they have heard through others or online. Point them in the direction of child-friendly websites that can outline the most pressing issues in easy to digest language, and reassure them that you are always available to answer or tackle any questions or concerns they have.

Teach them about budgeting
Parents can use the cost of living crisis as an opportunity to educate children on the importance of budgeting and saving for a rainy day. Highlighting different issues surrounding inflation, energy bills, how interest rates affect things like mortgage repayments and credit card loans, and even how inflation works, will give them a better perspective on the crisis and is something that they are unlikely to be exposed to within school settings.

For older children, this is also an opportunity to help guide them to set up their own financial accounts, such as a children’s bank card or a prepaid card. This will help them learn how to budget, manage their finances, and understand the satisfaction associated with saving up to purchase something for themselves.

While some children are simply given pocket money or a weekly/monthly allowance, now is a great opportunity to give children age-appropriate chores in order to earn some money themselves.

Involve children in making cost-effective savings around the house
Budgeting doesn’t have to be boring, and there are a multitude of useful and fun ways you can involve children with budgeting tasks around the house.

Set children a task to plan budget-friendly meals with a certain amount of money or ingredients you have in the fridge and cupboards as a Master Chef style challenge, or get them involved in cooking/baking large batches to freeze for a later date – a great way to save money and reduce food waste.

In order to help them understand the energy crisis a little more, it’s also worth setting them the task of ensuring no electronic devices or switches are left on unnecessarily around the house – which can of course be incentivised with rewards.

Article supplied by NerdWallet

SEN learning

What should you do if you think your child may have Special Educational Needs?

By Education, Mental health, numeracy skills, reading, Relationships, special educational needs

by Chloe Chapman
SEND Consultancy Services

The term ‘Special Educational Needs’ describes learning difficulties or disabilities that make it more difficult for children to learn than most other children of the same age.

What is the first step I should take if I think my child has Special Educational Needs?
It can be a worrying time if you are concerned that your child is not developing in the same way as other children or doing as well as they could be in nursery, school or college. Each educational setting will have a SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) responsible for providing additional support for children with additional needs. If you have concerns, you should arrange a meeting with the SENCO and other key staff who work with your child frequently (for example, the class teacher or form tutor), to discuss where you feel your child is struggling and what support is already in place to help your child.

The school (and you) may feel that your child needs more support, and this should be reflected within a SEN Support Plan.

The SEN Support Plan should include clear outcomes that it is expected your child will meet, and the support they will need for that to happen. For example, if your child is struggling with writing, support may include an intervention or support group that your child will attend, and during writing activities a staff member will support them. The SEN Support Plan should be reviewed regularly to ensure that your child is making good progress and the support is working well.

What is the next step if a SEN Support Plan is not working?
If your child has a SEN Support Plan, but they are still not making as much progress as would be expected, they may need an Educational, Health and Care (EHC) Plan. A parent/guardian, educational setting or a professional working with your child can apply for an EHC Plan, using the link available on the Local Offer for your Local Authority.

You do not have to use the forms provided by the Local Authority, but they will guide you as to what information to include. It is important to include as much evidence as possible – this can be information from the educational setting such as; a copy of the SEN Support Plan, results from standardised tests and examples of your child’s work. If your child has received additional care from Health Professionals such as your GP, a Paediatrician or Consultant, then include any corresponding paperwork. You can include reports from other professionals who may have worked with your child, such as: Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist, Behavioural Support Worker or a Physiotherapist. Where possible, evidence should be dated from the last two years so it is still relevant to your child. For your child to receive the help they need it is important for reports to reflect how they might be on their worst day; this can make for difficult and emotional reading. Please remember that this is a means to an end and with the correct support in place the good days should far outweigh the more challenging days.

Once this information has been submitted to the Local Authority, they will make a decision about whether your child will undertake an EHC Needs Assessment. This is a 20 week assessment process, where the Local Authority gathers further information on your child to make a decision about what level of support is required. At the end of this process your child may receive an EHC Plan, or they may remain on a SEN Support Plan.

How to find information about services available through my Local Authority?
Local Authorities have an obligation to publish information relating to services and support for children on the Local Offer. The Local Offer will include information about how to apply for an EHC Plan, who to contact for help and what the process will look like for your area. If you are thinking about applying for an EHC Plan it can be useful to discuss this first with your local SEN Team, a local support group or an independent SEN consultant.

Aside from an EHC Plan, what else should my Local Authority be offering? –
The Local Offer should explain what schools are expected to provide as part of a universal offer for every child. Teachers should be regularly assessing children to identify which children may need additional help. In any one class, the teaching staff (with guidance from the SENCO), could be running a number of catch up or intervention groups for children with skills or knowledge gaps. The expectation is that if a teacher identifies a gap or delay, that the school should look to their own existing groups and resources to support a child in the first instance. As a parent, regular communication with school staff is key to making sure that you are both on the same page and your child is getting access to the support they need.

If you would like more advice about your child and their individual circumstances, then please do get in touch. SEND Consultancy Services can talk through possible next steps, attend meetings, read over reports, SEN Support Plans or EHC Plans and be an advocate for you and your child.