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footwear and feet


Back to school – shoe shopping with less stress!

By children's health, footwear and feet
by Kim Jackson M.S.S.F.
Klodhoppers, Haywards Heath

Before you know it the summer holidays are almost over and it’s time to get your children ready for their new academic year, or perhaps they’re even starting school for the first time.

Leaving the purchase of their uniform, school shoes and other school essentials until the last minute is not advisable – it’s just too stressful!

Hopefully, lockdowns are a thing of the past and a ‘proper’ pair of school shoes is what’s needed to protect your child’s long-term foot health.

Going to your fully qualified shoe fitter for a professional measure and fit is essential, so throw away those ill-fitting supermarket school shoes and the dodgy sizing gauges you’ve printed off the Internet, and put your children’s feet in our safe hands.

School shoes should be sturdy, durable, comfortable and preferably breathable as it is your child’s main item of footwear for six or seven hours a day, five days a week. It can be a false economy to choose a cheap pair which you may have to replace several times, when you only really need one or two pairs per academic year, depending on your child’s growth.

Due to their growth spurts it’s definitely two pairs of school shoes per year for primary age children – if not, then it’s very likely that they are in the wrong sized shoe. However, it may only be one pair per academic year for older (secondary age) children as their feet start to mature and the rapid growth spurts reduce.

Here are some of the FAQ’s asked by parents who visit Klodhoppers:

When is the best time to buy school shoes for my child?
Shop early is our advice. Our shoes are delivered to us during July, just as the schools are breaking up for the holidays. This is when the collection is strongest and there is the best selection of all the styles and size runs. If you leave it until the last week of the holidays then there isn’t much left to choose from.

My child has specific foot health requirements, so when should I time my school shoe buying?
Again, shop early for a child with specific foot health or size issues. If your child has very wide or narrow feet, hypermobility, or wears orthotic inserts, then ‘early’ is the best time to come and buy – and remember to bring the orthotic inserts with you too! Please make us aware of any special requests beforehand so that we can assist you and your child fully and to the best of our abilities.

My son is autistic and doesn’t like shopping for shoes in crowded spaces with lots of noise. Can you help us?
Yes. At Klodhoppers we specialise in offering appointments for children with autism and other special needs. Depending on these needs we can book you in for a fitting at the beginning or the end of the day, when we are closed to other customers. If your child prefers to be in the shop with the lights or the music off, and minimal members of staff around then we can accommodate this too. Please talk to us and let us know how we can assist you and your child.

I don’t want to buy school shoes early as my child is bound to grow over the summer holidays. What should I do?
This is more of a myth than reality. Occasionally some children will have a growth spurt in the six weeks of the summer break, but it is not a good reason for leaving your school shoe buying until the last minute. When we fit school shoes early in the summer holiday we always fit with this in mind and tend to err on the generous side with our sizing. Buying school shoes on the day before they are due to return to the classroom can mean a fraught time running around looking for the preferred style, size or brand, with limited choice available. Also it won’t allow your child sufficient time to wear them around the house beforehand in order to soften up the leather, which is something we always advise. Furthermore it helps them get used to wearing a structured shoe again – especially if they have been wearing sandals, trainers or flip flops all summer. A fitted shoe may feel ‘tight’ until the leather softens.

My son wants to wear black trainers to school as his school’s uniform policy is very relaxed. I would prefer for him to have a proper shoe. What should I do?
Wearing trainers for school all the time is not advisable for developing feet, especially as it is likely that he will be wearing trainers at the weekend too. Boys’ feet keep growing until they are approximately 18 years old (girls’ feet reach their adult size a little earlier – usually mid-teens.) Trainers may be very comfortable and lightweight but they encourage the feet to spread over time and become flaccid. They are designed for sports and casual wear, and should not be a school shoe substitute. If your son really wants to wear trainers then perhaps you can compromise with him and buy a school shoe that has the look of a trainer but has all the support of a proper shoe.

My child is going to be starting in Reception. Is there any specific advice for the first pair of school shoes?
You may want to consider a style with a ‘toe bumper’ or scuff guard, and certainly avoid buckles or laces. A lot of reception children spend time on their knees on the classroom carpet and the toes of their school shoes tend to wear through more quickly than usual. Or perhaps they have a climbing wall, or like to play football in the playground at break times, or even scoot to school – this extra wear and tear can have a detrimental effect on their school shoes. You could encourage your child to put on her new school socks and shoes and have a good walk around the house (while they are still clean) a few days in the lead up to school starting. If they do this for 10 to 15 minutes each day then it will allow them to get used to the shoes and for the new leather to soften up. This way the shoes won’t feel too ‘stiff’ on the first day.

Remember that school shoes are NOT indestructible! Children will always find a way to damage or destroy them!

Also, with younger children especially, they are not intended to last a full school academic year without having them checked for growth spurts.

So here’s to a stress-free ‘back to school’ shoe season to you all. Your child only has one pair of feet to see them through life – make sure they are looked after with great care.

Remember to look for the Society of Shoe Fitters logo and/or the Children’s Foot Health Register to ensure you are putting their foot health in the best qualified hands.

Kim Jackson M.S.S.F (Member of the Society of Shoe Fitters & Children’s Foot Health Register accredited) Klodhoppers, Haywards Heath.

shoe fitter kids

Getting back to basics – putting your child’s best foot health first

By children's health, footwear and feet, Health
by Kim Jackson M.S.S.F.
Klodhoppers, Haywards Heath

As I write this article we are approaching Christmas and many of us are emerging from the second lockdown and the vaccine roll out has started. It has been a rather strange and difficult time for all of us. It’s time to reflect on the past few months and re-evaluate what is really important to us during the Year of the Coronavirus.

Amongst other things good friends and close family are key to a happy and successful life. The sunshine helps, of course, and keeping our job helps, but this horrible pandemic has shown that good health is the key factor.

It’s now time, as we move into the spring, to get ‘back to basics’ – let’s aim to maintain the caring attitude that was so prevalent during lockdown. To be more community-minded within our neighbourhood, to shop locally and support the small, independent businesses in our area, and to value our own health and wellbeing and that of our family members.

Regarding our children’s foot health it’s also time to throw away those supermarket trainers and poor quality school shoes – they’re not designed to last very long anyway. They may have been an emergency purchase during lockdown but you don’t need to subject your child’s feet to them any longer. Plus, depending on when you bought them they are likely to be too small now anyway!

It’s time to get back to getting your child’s feet properly measured and fitted once again. Restore those good foot health practices for your children’s future wellbeing. They may not thank you for it now but I guarantee they will be grateful for it in years to come.

Regular readers of my ABC articles will know that I keep saying it but, it is really important to look after your child’s feet. It’s just as important as looking after their teeth by taking them to the dentist, or looking after their eyes by taking them to the optician – their foot health is crucial.

This is because most of our bones begin to form while we are in the womb, long before we are born. These bones start out as, and are formed from, pieces of gristle known as cartilage – which gradually turns into bone. This process is called ossification. All the bones in the body are normally completely and fully ossified by the age of 25 (it is important to note that the bones in the foot are nearly fully ossified by the age of 18, although girls tend to complete their process a couple of years ahead of boys, due to the difference in hormones).

Throughout this long growing period care must be taken to avoid persistent pressure on the foot. Before the bones have fully ossified there is a danger of the bones and joints becoming distorted by pressure applied to them. Many children’s feet are deformed by the wearing of ill-fitting socks, tights and shoes that are either too small or too tight and do not allow for growth. As a result it is essential to take special care when fitting shoes for children, as their formative years shape the way they walk and their entire physiology.

So what happens when you take your child along for his or her first pair of shoes – their first ‘walkers’?
Because your child’s bones are not formed, and because the joints are cartilage not bone, he or she cannot feel pain if the shoes are incorrectly fitted. They don’t know if their shoes are a good fit or not and there’s a good chance that you probably don’t either.

That’s why you’ve chosen to get the advice, expertise and experience of a fully qualified fitter. Someone who knows how to assess your child’s feet, to measure them properly and who knows the different brands thoroughly enough, and can therefore suggest what size, style and fit will suit your child’s feet best. Any damage done at this early stage can be irreversible.

Your child may not like wearing shoes for the first time and he or she may scream the shop down throughout the entire process – and that’s probably purely because it’s the first time they’ve done this. It’s got nothing to do with the actual fit of the shoes that you are intending to buy for them, especially taking into account the recommendationof the fitter.

As your child develops and grows the gristle changes to bone and the bones lengthen at a greater rate than they thicken. Therefore the foot grows longer in proportion to its width. The arches also develop and the muscles in the foot grow stronger. Generally the fastest growth occurs in a child’s early years, but it is not a constant, it usually occurs in spurts. These growth spurts do not happen at even intervals, they can be quite random, and it can be perfectly possible for a child to outgrow a correctly fitted pair of shoes in a matter of weeks.

In adolescence the growth continues with the feet becoming longer and sometimes the relationship between length and width can change. A child needing a wide fitting at four years old, may require a much narrower fitting 6 or 8 years later because their feet have grown longer without a proportionate increase in width. This is why regular size checks are recommended even if you don’t need to buy any shoes. Any professional fitter will always carry out a size or shoe check on your child’s feet, without any obligation to buy.

By their late teens your child’s feet are fully formed and if their development has been correct, they should enter adulthood with almost perfect feet. The bones will be fully formed and positioned correctly, the muscles will be in tone and in balance, and the whole structure should be in great shape to take years of wear and tear without complaint.

Any problems that arise with the feet do not always become just a ‘foot’ problem – your child’s whole posture can be affected by ill-fitting footwear. This can include their ankles, knees, hips, lower back and neck. Even severe migraines can be attributed to ill-fitting footwear in childhood!

Take my advice – it’s the spring, so put a ‘spring’ in your child’s step and get their feet measured and fitted by a qualified professional fitter, based at one of your local independent shoe shops. You will be supporting your local high street as well as giving your child’s feet the best start they need.

Kim Jackson M.S.S.F (Member of the Society of Shoe Fitters & Children’s Foot Health Register accredited) Klodhoppers, Haywards Heath.

I’m overweight after lockdown, but what’s that got to do with my shoes?

By children's health, family, footwear and feet
by Kim Jackson M.S.S.F.
Klodhoppers Ltd, Haywards Heath

We have to accept that as a nation we are getting bigger and heavier, and in the light of the Government’s recently updated document ‘Childhood Obesity: Applying All Our Health’ (1st May 2020), it is clear that as a nation we have an obesity problem that isn’t going to go away any time soon.

For many grown-ups and children, lockdown hasn’t helped! Childhood obesity and excess weight are significant health issues for children and their families. There can be serious implications for a child’s physical and mental health, which can then overlap into adulthood.

Obesity is associated with poor psychological and emotional health, and many children experience bullying and stigmatisation linked to their weight. Children and young people living with obesity are more likely to become adults living with obesity and therefore have a higher risk of morbidity, disability, low self-esteem and premature mortality in adulthood.

For some children it can mean more school absences (in order to avoid the bullies) in addition to the obvious health concerns such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing difficulties and bone and joint problems.

So what has this got to do with shoes?
There has been a marked increase in overweight children in the last few years, and this can affect how a shoe is worn and its durability. Members of the Society of Shoe Fitters are trained in many aspects of shoe fitting for children and young people, and one of the factors to be taken into consideration is the weight of a child and the impact it may have on the wear and fit of a shoe.

The most important thing to remember about any footwear is that ‘it is essential to wear the right shoe for the right occasion’, so that footwear will perform correctly and in accordance with its design and manufacture. Shoes are designed to do different jobs and take varying amounts of wear and tear.

So for example:
• Party shoes are not designed for climbing trees.
• School shoes are designed to be worn five days a week within a school environment.
• Wellies and waterproof boots are made for puddles and muddy walks!

Overweight children (particularly boys) often resort to wearing trainers all day, every day, mainly because it’s the only type of footwear that fits and feels comfortable. The construction of a trainer offers comfort for the foot due to all the padding inside, the soft chunky soles and the ability to easily open up wide for a chubbier foot.

Strictly speaking, however, trainers are designed and manufactured to be worn for sporting activities, and not for all day wear. Daily wearing of trainers can be harmful to your feet and general health and can lead to another different set of foot health problems such as allowing the feet to ‘spread’ and become more flaccid. As a result when you go back to wearing a more structured shoe, you may suffer for a while.

Overweight girls often choose fashionable flat ‘pumps’ like a ballet shoe, but with no fastening. Again these are not ideal especially if they are not fitted correctly, as the foot can bulge over the topline of the shoe. This is not just unsightly, it can be very uncomfortable. It can also create the potential for the skin to be chafed and for blisters to develop. The child also has to ‘claw’ her toes in order to keep the shoes on, then the shoes either gradually stretch and turn into ‘flip flops’ or the backs get broken down so there is no support for the heel. Unless the pump is of high quality there is likely to be inadequate shock absorption in the sole and insole which can make the foot prone to plantar fasciitis – which is extremely painful. The arches of the feet become overworked and bear the child’s entire weight, as opposed to a properly constructed shoe which is designed to take weight in specific places throughout the shoe.

Taking a shoe wider and wider is not necessarily the answer to fit a chubbier foot. In fact it often pays to go longer and narrower (although the depth and the style of the shoe would be a greater consideration with an overweight child) as it is all about how the weight of the child’s foot is distributed within the shoe.

Extra body weight puts strain on the arches and muscles in the feet, ankles, legs and hips, affecting your entire physiology. Even migraines can be attributed to ill-fitting footwear.

Finding comfortable and supportive shoes for overweight children is important to keep young people active and mobile. If your feet hurt due to ill fitting shoes, then you exercise less and are likely to gain more weight – a vicious cycle.

GPs, chiropodists and podiatrists inevitably see more foot health problems due to obesity, but their knowledge of mainstream footwear may be limited. Contact a qualified shoe fitter who is more likely to be ‘in the know’ with the latest brands, designs or trends, and who has the knowledge needed for giving the correct fit.

A qualified shoe fitter will always recommend a structured shoe, preferably with a fastening (such as laces, or a Velcro® strap, or a strap with a buckle) for children who need the correct footwear and who need to get in shape.

What adults choose to do with their feet is their concern, however as a parent we have a duty of care to our children to ensure that during the long growing period extreme care must be taken to avoid persistent pressure on the developing foot. Before the bones in a child’s foot have fully formed there is a danger of the bones becoming distorted by pressure due to inappropriate or ill fitting footwear. The additional problem of obesity in a child is another vital factor to be taken into account when getting their shoes fitted correctly.

If in doubt, then always consult a health professional or take advice from a qualified shoe fitter – remember that a child’s formative years shape the future of their feet and the way they walk and can have profound and far-reaching effects on their whole physiology.

Kim Jackson M.S.S.F (Member of the Society of Shoe Fitters & Children’s Foot Health Register accredited) Klodhoppers, Haywards Heath.

How hard can it be to fit a pair of shoes?

By children's health, family, footwear and feet
by Kim Jackson M.S.S.F.
Klodhoppers Ltd Haywards Heath

Generally speaking, we only get one pair of feet, and considering the amount of work we ask them to do we really need to take good care of them. Staff at our shop are qualified as members of the Society of Shoe Fitters. They are encouraged to share their knowledge and expertise with their colleagues, thereby ensuring that everyone at the shop should be able to tell how well (or badly) a shoe fits initially by the way the shoe slides onto the customer’s foot (or not!) This is one of the main reasons why we will put the shoes on our customers’ feet ourselves.

The amount of ease on the areas of resistance can be felt as the shoe slides onto the foot and indicates to the experienced fitter how the shoe is going to fit. The customer may not like the style or the design of the shoe once it’s on, but at least the fitter can be honest about the fit. Remember that the size on the box is just a number and merely a starting point for the fitter. As qualified fitters we will always tell you if we think the fit can be tweaked and improved.

Once the shoes are on the feet we will ask the child to walk around so that we can check the fit. We are looking to see not only if the gait appears ‘normal’ (unless of course, that is a separate health issue), but also whether the shoes look as though they are ‘behaving normally’ when worn.

So we are checking primarily that the shoe is not slipping up and down at the back of the heel and there are no big gaps around the ankle. We are also looking to see if the topline of the shoe is comfortably clear of the anklebone – if not it may rub, especially if there is no padded heel collar. In addition we are checking that the vamp of the shoe (where the shoe ends at the top or front of your foot) is not gaping or creasing abnormally, which would prompt us to think that the shoe might be too wide or too deep.

We will also be considering the shape and height of the heel collar – is it complementing the natural contour of your child’s foot? What is the extent of any gaping? A certain amount of space is to be expected, but if the gape is too wide then the foot will not be held in place securely. A style with a higher or tighter topline may need to be selected instead. Also, if there is too much slipping going on at the heel, we may need to play around with a different, possibly narrower brand, or even a different size.

Having over 30 years combined shoe-fitting experience, we could line up at least 10 pairs of the same size shoe, but if they are all 10 different brands, even if they are similar styles, we can guarantee that they will all fit slightly differently on one child’s feet! Some of those fits will be better than others – this is where our guidance, advice, knowledge and expertise comes into play.

A fitter’s hands and eyes are their chief fitting tools, with the measuring gauge being the starting point. Practice improves their precision in dealing with each individual customer, alongside a thorough knowledge of all of the brands stocked. There is absolutely no point in fitting a pair of shoes unless it is known how each particular brand or style fits.

For example, if we are fitting a pair of Dr Martens boots or school shoes we know that this brand is quite true to UK sizing lengthwise, but the shoes more often than not tend to suit a wide, deep foot. There is very little point in bringing this brand out for a slim narrow foot, unless the customer is intent on having them, and is happy to have lots of space taken out with insoles – but that is the customer’s choice and it is likely to be pointed out by the fitter as probably ‘not the best fit’ on offer.

However, if I brought out a specific style of Superfit trainers for a very wide, deep foot, it would more often than not be a complete waste of time, as that style tends to fit slim ankles and narrow feet. A wide foot is going to feel completely squashed and restricted.

Most parents will expect a certain amount of growing room in their child’s shoes, depending on growth spurts, but most fitters will try to allow for at least a three month growth period. Most children’s growth spurts are erratic and do not happen at regular, predictable intervals. Smaller children can grow up to two and a half sizes in one year, so that is why it is very important that for their foot health’s sake they are measured and checked frequently by qualified fitters.

It doesn’t cost anything to pop in and have your child’s shoes checked and to be re-measured on a regular basis. All shoe shops that offer a measuring and fitting service and have qualified fitters will do size checks for you for free, but it is essential to remember that different shops use different gauges – as mentioned previously, the size gauge is merely an indication of the approximate size for the shoe fitter to start with.

It is wise to regularly check the fit of your child’s shoes every four to six weeks for infants (up to three years), every six to eight weeks for toddlers (three to four years), and every 10 – 12 weeks thereafter. It’s likely that a child will need at least four pairs of shoes each year in the formative years while the growth spurts are quite rapid. Any damage done to your child’s feet during these early years can be long-lasting and often irreversible. Most girls will start to slow down foot growth-wise by approximately age 13-14 years old, but boys’ feet can keep growing up to around 18 years old.

An infant requires a style which holds firmly onto the foot and which is easy to put on by the parent. It also needs to allow the foot to develop naturally and which does not restrict the freedom of the ankle.

In a first walker or a pre-walker the most important factor should be that the uppers and soles are soft, lightweight and very flexible which allows the foot to move naturally and enables the child’s foot arch muscles to develop correctly.

There must be adequate toe room in a child’s shoe not only for growth but also for the elongation of the foot when walking.

If there is sufficient room the vamps of the shoe will not become distorted and if there is sufficient depth it will prevent any downward pressure on the toes too.

If the shoes are too shallow there will be no ‘wiggle’ room for toes, and if the shoes are too short then the longest toe(s) will hit the end of the shoes and potentially do damage to the nails and nail beds, as well as cause the formation of a ‘hammer’ or ‘claw’ toes.

Once children start school the bones have started to form and their muscles and arches are developing and being exercised, therefore a child needs a shoe with more protection and support. Their school shoes must be able to withstand the rigours an active lifestyle at school will require, otherwise parents will need to be prepared to replace them more frequently.

On average a school-age child will need a minimum of two pairs of shoe shoes per academic year – if their shoes ‘last a whole year’, it’s more than likely that they are wearing a pair that are much too small for them!

As a parent the most important thing to remember is to get your child’s feet checked. If you take them to a qualified dentist for their dental check ups, and a qualified GP for any health issues, so why wouldn’t you protect your child’s foot health by taking them to a qualified shoe fitter for a shoe check and a re-measure on a regular basis?

Kim Jackson M.S.S.F (Member of the Society of Shoe Fitters & Children’s Foot Health Register accredited) Klodhoppers, Haywards Heath

Fit for royalty!

By children's health, Education, footwear and feet

Dear Kate and Wills,

I see that Princess Charlotte’s just turned four. How time flies!

So I’m guessing that she’ll be starting school in September and will be really excited to meet new friends and start getting an education.

I’m sure she’ll also be very excited about getting her new school uniform and her very first pair of school shoes.

As an experienced and fully qualified shoe fitter can I offer you some valuable advice about the school shoes? I’ve got some useful tips and hints to make shopping for school shoes less stressful for you (or for
the nanny!)

Along with her first walkers, Charlotte’s school shoes are probably the most important item of footwear that she’ll put on her feet in her childhood years. They really need to be selected and fitted with great
care and attention, especially for reception-aged children.

Let’s face it, school shoes are worn (on average) for five days a week and for at least seven hours a day, and that’s not to mention all the walking to and from school and all the running around in the playground at lunch and break times, and at after-school clubs.

It’s never too early in the summer holidays to start thinking about buying your school shoes and getting ready for the new academic year. Plus it avoids all that last minute panic when everything has been picked over or your child’s size has sold out.

Buying early is great for choice – we have our school shoes delivered to our shops in July so this is when the collection will be strongest. If your child is very specific about wanting a patent shoe with a flower on it – you’re more likely to find it early. Possibly more importantly, if your child has very specific requirements such as very narrow feet, very wide feet, hypermobility, or orthotic inserts then shop early.

But what if your child grows over the summer holidays? This is the myth that if you leave your school shoe buying to the last minute it will be the most cost-effective course of action. Wrong! Children very rarely grow so much over the school holidays that they need to swap the shoes they have purchased early in the summer break. Besides, if a school shoe is fitted correctly there should be approximately a good three months worth of growing room factored in by the fitter (before the shoe becomes ‘too big’ and slips off the foot).

Parents who get their school shoes sorted out early tend to ask for a bit of extra growing room anyway. Then if there are any concerns about sizing, we can advise these customers to come back a couple of days before school begins for a double-check of the fit.

In addition to that, shoes that have been bought early will give you time for Charlotte to try on her new shoes and wear them at home in order to ‘break them in’. Wearing new (clean) shoes around the palace, with the correct socks or tights for a short period of time over a couple of days should do the trick. If she does this then her new shoes won’t feel too stiff or give her any blisters on her first day; so if there are any problems at this stage you or William still have time to sort them out.

Most school children of primary school age have feet that grow in rapid, erratic bursts throughout the year, yet on average you only need two pairs of school shoes per academic year. That said, if your child is a climber, a footballer or rides a scooter while wearing their school shoes then you may need to replace their school shoes more frequently.

As Charlotte is going to be starting in Reception then it may be worth considering a style with a toe bumper or scuff guard, as more often
than not she will find herself spending a lot of time kneeling on the classroom carpet.

When you come along to shop for shoes in the summer you can help us by being prepared – bring the correct school socks with you for fitting Charlotte’s shoes. Some people turn up with their child in sandals or flip-flops and they’ve forgotten to bring their socks, or even the relevant orthotic inserts! We can lend you some ‘trying on’ socks, of course, but if your child is already wearing socks and is ready to be measured this can speed up the process at a very busy time when there is often a queue.

Wills and Kate – please remember that school shoes are not indestructible. Some children will always find a way to destroy them – in spite of what their parents might think!

School shoes should be sturdy, durable, comfortable and preferably breathable. As this is your child’s main item of footwear for the week then it is often a false economy and inadvisable for your child’s long-term foot health to choose a cheap, ill-fitting version.

To get the best value from your new school shoe purchase, clean and polish the leather regularly to maintain looks and longevity. You wouldn’t buy a new dress, wear it every day, and never bother to wash it! Look after your investment, and the shoes will look after your child’s feet.

Most suppliers will guarantee a child’s shoe or boot for approximately three months for ‘normal’ wear and tear, and then you will need to have a re-measure to check for any growth spurts. The retailer is not responsible for excessive wear and tear such as ‘scooter toe’. If your child scoots to school and insists on using their shoes as a brake, then encourage them to wear an old pair of trainers for this. An expensive leather school shoe is designed to be tough and robust, but it is not designed to be dragged along the pavement upside down.

Remember to look out for the Society of Shoe Fitters logo or the Children’s Foot Health Register logo when you go shopping – then you will know that you are putting your child’s feet in the best-qualified hands. Charlotte will only get one pair of feet in her lifetime so it’s up
to you to make sure they get the best care.

Yours faithfully

Kim Jackson M.S.S.F.
Klodhoppers (Hove & Haywards Heath)